Power King 1612 question

I have a lead on a power King 1612 for $500. Any issues I should look out for? I know the larger power kings are well built.
I'm guessing this is what was called the Jim Dandy before they changed the name in the early 70's to a 1612. I have no hands on experience with these smaller tractors but most guy like them and for mowing they are handier then the Power Kings. This model will have 16" rear tires and a 12 hp Kohler (if OEM engine) most had 48" decks, the lift system was manual unless the optional hyd system was adde also optional was the 3 pt hitch (CatO) and the dual transmission set up. Good stought tractors easy to work on
I'm guessing this is what was called the Jim Dandy before they changed the name in the early 70's to a 1612. I have no hands on experience with these smaller tractors but most guy like them and for mowing they are handier then the Power Kings. This model will have 16" rear tires and a 12 hp Kohler (if OEM engine) most had 48" decks, the lift system was manual unless the optional hyd system was adde also optional was the 3 pt hitch (CatO) and the dual transmission set up. Good stought tractors easy to work on
Thank you, from the pictures I have seen I didn't see a deck for it. My son is going to go look
I am the new owner of a Power King 1612. My son went out to look at this afternoon when he was off work. The seller dropped the price down $50, he felt bad on how far my son drove to look at it. Son says the wiring is cobbled up and needs fixed, the engine turns over and had some compression. There were no implements with the tractor. Once he has my pickup engine back together and running I will fly out (1400miles) and bring the pickup back with the tractor in the bed.