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  1. JDJake

    Not Mine Ryobi Electric Tractor, Located In Wallingford CT On Facebook Marketplace. Asking $3,300.

    Not sure, but I will say the Stihl looked real well built. The Deere was a different size to the Stihl, Deere more of a homeowner sized machine and the Stihl more commercial sized. I only really got to look at them, not operate them. I know the Deere machines were put on a sales hold for awhile...
  2. JDJake

    Not Mine Ryobi Electric Tractor, Located In Wallingford CT On Facebook Marketplace. Asking $3,300.

    We had a couple sell at work, they are VERY quiet, and they scoot! Will have to see how they hold up. We also had a Sthil electric zero turn demo come in and it scoots faster than the JD.
  3. JDJake

    And more junk.

    He probably just changed the cab door lock, those are pretty simple.
  4. JDJake

    And more junk.

    I might have said it before, any vehicle purposely built for the Army, {Humvee, 2.5, 5 ton, HEMMT.s and combat vehicles), don't really require keys. They have rotary ignition switch or push button. In garrison or storage they are secured with a padlock and a chain or cable through the steering...
  5. JDJake

    sickle mower

    You never fail to amaze me with the stuff you create. Looking at a item, getting a idea about it, then creating that Idea is a skill not too many can pull off nowadays.
  6. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Usually all farm and construction equipment was keyed alike till the use of MFD's were installed in them. If you had a CAT key, you could operate any CAT equipment. Case excavator key is the same as a Link Belt (same machine, different colors, features etc), JD excavator is the same as a Hitachi...
  7. JDJake

    sickle mower

    Looks like you have a few levers to grab, what if you went with a pedal lift system? If I recall right, Deere and IH used pedal lifts on the old horse drawn sickle mowers. I think you would get some more range of motion, also with your foot on the pedal, you could quickly lift the sickle bar...
  8. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    If it's the same type of electric lift used on John Deere 110, 112, and 200 series you might not have the spring that goes between the motor drive and the lift drive. I had a few apart on my JD's and if the spring is not lined up right or broken, the lift doesn't work.
  9. JDJake

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    I might have a couple that are salvageable, if you can get to Eastern PA.
  10. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    Do you have a Runnings near bye? I found they are like TSC, sometimes better.
  11. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    I got three, all different, one like the one in the picture, one I made up with different shovels I had laying around, and the last is the one that has the harrows instead of the shovels.
  12. JDJake

    1918 Spring planting

    The Army equipment was outside of Ft Meade, but probably came from there back in the day. Ft Meade was the main VA I fell under when I was out there, funny thing I applied for a operator job there and was in the running for it. The Case place was before a pretty good dog leg in the road, after...
  13. JDJake

    1918 Spring planting

    Both were on 34, the Case place was East of Sturgis but a little West of the Belle Fourche, I think it was a little east of Bear Butte?. The old Army equipment was before the Buffalo Chip, going West into Sturgis.
  14. JDJake

    1918 Spring planting

    That is one thing I do miss about S.D. Doug, all the old interesting equipment out there. I remember the few trips I made out to Sturgis, I would pass by a place that had quite a collection of old Case farm equipment. Another area had a couple of old Army wheeled dozer/scraper combos.
  15. JDJake

    1918 Spring planting

    Those plows are pretty setup where you drop the bottoms front to back as you start, then lift what ever one hits a obstruction. The tractor is probably so slow that one man on the plow platform could keep up.
  16. JDJake

    1918 Spring planting

    Looks like a Big Four or Minneapolis to me.
  17. JDJake


    I don't think it is a actual Deere sprayer, they mainly had the model 5, 5A and 5B. Two had round tanks and the last was a plastic tank. Also, the wheels are larger on the JD sprayers. I'll double check at work, but I think it's homemade with a Deere sticker slapped on.
  18. JDJake

    1975 210 restoration

    Little known fact, in some of the early 112's Deere used a limited slip version of the 2300 transmission, the 2308 or 2380, not exactly sure which at the moment
  19. JDJake

    1975 210 restoration

    Classic green was supposedly last used on the Two Cylinder Era tractors and equipment, it might have carried over into 3010, 4010, 3020, and 4020's, but after that it should be the New Ag Green.
  20. JDJake

    1975 210 restoration

    Deere used 2300's in the square fender 110, 112, and all the 200's, the 208 was a economy version of the 200, it doesn't have a variator. My 110 had a 8hp till it started smoking, I replaced it with a 10hp.