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  1. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Hey Doug, can you post another picture of the rear of the 110? There's a bracket on the rear that caught my attention.
  2. JDJake

    And more junk.

    That idler pulley should be on a slider, it's how you tension the rear drive belt for the tiller.
  3. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Did you use the variator any Doug? It helps to keep them cleaned up and functioning.
  4. JDJake

    John Deere 43 Push Blade

    Looks like you have some of the angling kit with it, good deal.
  5. JDJake

    Kawasaki carburetors

    With Kawa engines when you check the oil, remove and wipe the stick, then place the stick back in the engine, BUT, don't screw it in. Pull it back out and check the level. Kawa's are the only engines I know of (so far) that have you check the oil this way. The directions should be written on...
  6. JDJake

    ID some of these attachments please

    As Chieffan said, you have to drive those keeper pins in, for ad hoc replacements I've used T shaped pins used in metal concrete forms. They are thinner than the Brinly pins, but they are thin enough to use two side by side in the standard keepers. These were made for garden tractors from about...
  7. JDJake

    The Yearly Tractor show

    Yes. It should actually be orange, just a few shades lighter than AC orange. Looks like it's a SD3 or SD4.
  8. JDJake

    The Yearly Tractor show

    Second one from the right is a rare one for being on the west coast, that's a Sheppard Diesel, made near Lancaster PA.
  9. JDJake

    And more junk.

    The seals being internal of the axle tubes helps in that regard. The oil leaking past them will sit in the axle tubes, till you move the tractor. And speaking of axle tubes, make sure you check the axles real good where the seals ride. With the sludge you drained out of the trans you may find...
  10. JDJake

    And more junk.

    I can get them, just a little bit spendy for three sets, and not really worth it right now because the tines are worn on all three bad tillers. Can no longer get the tines through Deere, a private company makes replacements, but they are very spendy. Also, if the tines haven't been removed in...
  11. JDJake

    And more junk.

    The 3inch springs look like they are made with thinner wire, so they might not have the same amount of force as the 6 inch one. Also the springs might become entwined, I would suggest a small wooden or metal "plug" in between them if one would fit. Take the two big pins and lay them in front of...
  12. JDJake

    And more junk.

    The older square fenders had a ball switch in the bottom of the neutral slot of the shifter gate. I think the later ones have a micro switch. They are there so you cant start the tractor in gear, looks like yours has been jumped, not surprised, the switches get tempermental after awhile...
  13. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Hubs are splined and are held on with a snap ring. You will have to drop the transaxle to do the axle seal, they are inboard of the axle tubes. You will also have to remove the brake band and drum, with the band removed I would wash and soak it in brake cleaner.
  14. JDJake

    And more junk.

    IF you can get the pin on the other side moving good you can take the roll pin out, slide the large pin and spring out. Then you can use a long rod to drive the stuck pin out.
  15. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Mixed bag day today, eh Doug? Glad to here you got a decent valve assembly for the 1650. The broken roll pin in the mower bracket can be drilled out and a new one inserted. In a way it will actually help you out, drill out the broken piece and the big pin should be able to come out the plate...
  16. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Remove the shifter then, just remember to put it back in the same place, neutral center is about the best for removal and installation.
  17. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Yep, 80-90. Easy way to fill and check is to get a hose or tube that will fit in the top plug hole and put it on a squeeze bottle. Take the front plug out and squeeze the gear oil in the top plug hole till you start to see it reach the front plug hole. Easier yet is to remove the shifter and...
  18. JDJake

    And more junk.

    AWESOME! Yes, they are spring loaded. Set the plate with the pins vertical and work on the top one first, soak it with penetrating fluid and "bounce" it till it moves freely, then go to the other one. Yep, the pto has a safety switch, there should also be one in the gear shifter plate too, a...
  19. JDJake

    Beware of Husqvarna Garden Tractors, Part 4: Front Scoop "Capable"?

    Sounds similar to what I ran into about five years ago. My one cousins mower broke down and he didn't mow his yard for two years. One neighbor tried with his new Cub Cadet, went six feet and died. Another neighbor tried with his new John Deere, same thing. I showed up with my 78 JD 316 and was...
  20. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Do you have a air hammer Doug? Or a hammer drill? Either one with the right sized bit (metal rod) might be enough to vibrate the pins loose.