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  1. JDJake

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Doug, the 110 and 112 are gear drive, the 120 and 140 are hydrostatic, the one Noel has is equipped with three hydraulic levers. One goes to two ports on the left front, one goes to two ports on the right front, and the last to the middle rockshaft, hence the H3. My uncle has a 140 H1, which...
  2. JDJake

    Changing the Husqvarna over from winter use to summer

    Do you let the spindles cool down before you wash the deck? If you wash it while they are still hot they will draw moisture.
  3. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Deere would label those blades as "high lift", mainly used with baggers, but also good for launching clippings (and anything else the blades pickup) at a high rate of speed if the bagger isn't equipped.
  4. JDJake

    Just to try it I got the Husqvarna out this AM

    Could also install the nut, then drill a hole through the bolt left sticking out and install a roll pin or cotter key.
  5. JDJake

    New Project

    And to a trained ear, each model has it's own distinctive sound.
  6. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    If JB Weld doesn't work, try Devcon Titanium putty.
  7. JDJake

    Tractors at the races.

    This dude is cruising!
  8. JDJake

    Tractors at the races.

    For you two wheeler guys;
  9. JDJake

    Tractors at the races.

    Speed plowing vids: ,
  10. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    Had to get a new computer about four months ago, came with Win10, still miss my old one that had Win 7.
  11. JDJake

    Guid New Year 2023

    Aye, laddie!
  12. JDJake

    Butt Buggy

    They had big roofs for shade, once they fired one of those tractors up, they would run them all day. It took a bit of work to get one of them running, especially the steamers.
  13. JDJake

    Butt Buggy

    They also came in 3hp and 6hp versions too.
  14. JDJake

    And more junk.

    I think they are designed that way for high wind gust areas, the vanes will "fold" instead of spinning too fast and possibly burning up the bearings.
  15. JDJake

    And more junk.

    They are definitely ring pliers of some type.
  16. JDJake

    Snow Blower vs Front Loader

    It mostly came from the west, but it would change up at odd times, good thing my blower tractor had a cab on it!
  17. JDJake

    Snow Blower vs Front Loader

    Two things I learned about blowing snow in SD, keep the blower chute pointed low and blow in the same direction the wind is blowing!
  18. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Some did have a small wheel. also a small "knife" in front of the plow, especially if the plow was a breaking plow, which tend to be bigger and/or heavier than a standard plow.
  19. JDJake

    And more junk.

    The age could vary, Deere sold horse drawn plows up to the early-mid forties.
  20. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Definitely a horse drawn plow, only missing the clevis and handles.