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  1. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    At the dealership we put 10 psi in the rear and 15 psi in the front, and then level the deck.
  2. JDJake

    Kohler air cleaner question.

    K241 and up are a larger diameter
  3. JDJake

    Working weekend

    Was thinking the same, looks like a D8K model.
  4. JDJake

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Hmm, getting a sudden urge to line up my herd this weekend, ;)
  5. JDJake

    JD X304

    Governor setup is very similar to a Onan, but works in the vertical plane. As long as you disassemble it bottom up, you should have no issues with things flying out. Like Daniel said, it looks like maybe one or more of the "fingers" on the governor spider may have broken. There should be no...
  6. JDJake

    JD X304

    I work on both, so I know the differences quite well. Kenny, if I remember tomorrow, I'll check out some info on that engine when I'm at work.
  7. JDJake

    JD X304

    X304 uses a newer V twin, the one from the 160 is a single cylinder, and about 5 horsepower less.
  8. JDJake

    What are you currently working on??

    The two dealerships I work(ed) at pay the tech's by the hour, not by the % of the bill, not sure about your area. When I make out a estimate, I start with what I think the machine needs to run and perform it's job. That is the base estimate, I then figure in any cosmetic and or additional minor...
  9. JDJake

    Fired up the Sears today...

    My uncle had a SS12 and still has a SS14, both had the same rear tires as yours and both did full garden duties, from plowing to planting.
  10. JDJake

    Ford model-T tractor converson

    Orange and green? The only Ag related companies that I can think of that used those colors are Allis Chalmers and New Idea. Allis used green early on, then went to Persian orange.
  11. JDJake

    John Deere 39" Mower Deck

    They are about the same as the comparable sized Briggs and Kohlers. There are few of those late eighties to mid nineties 100 series floating around my area. My uncle and I got one thrown in on a deal with a 214. Came with the deck and snowblower, sans mule drive for the blower. It's too light...
  12. JDJake

    John Deere 39" Mower Deck

    To me, this is the point where JD started going down hill, stamped frames, vertical shaft motors. belt driven cheap hydrostatic transmissions, etc If you were closer Doug I would GIVE you a working twin of that tractor, with the mower deck and 95% snowblower.
  13. JDJake

    Anyone Identify this Plow?

    The two way plows for the A, B and H would have the plow beams go between the rear wheels and the diff. You would drop one bottom and plow in one direction, when you got to the end you would lift that bottom up and then turn the tractor around. When you were facing the other direction, you would...
  14. JDJake

    Anyone Identify this Plow?

    I stand corrected, just found a image of the same plow, it's for a John Deere M and MT. I have never seen one of these plows for that model. The most I have seen are for the larger two cylinders.
  15. JDJake

    Anyone Identify this Plow?

    Most Deere tractor mounted two way plows I've seen had a plow bottom behind each rear wheel, not central behind the tractor. The one in the picture looks like the plows pivot on one central bar.
  16. JDJake

    Anyone Identify this Plow?

  17. JDJake

    JD GT235 Deck blade height setup specifications

    1/8 front to rear. You using the Deere leveling gauge? You measure off the middle blade for front to rear measurement.
  18. JDJake

    New toy!!!

    Especially if the steering is a little loose!:oops:
  19. JDJake

    New toy!!!

    Deere 420, 10 mph in high range, according to TD. Having one, I will say it's pretty fast for a GT.
  20. JDJake

    MF 1450

    The K321 and K341 tend to shake pretty good at low idle, especially the K341. You can adjust the small screw on the throttle butterfly and bump the idle up to smooth the shakes out.