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  1. olcowhand

    Messey Furgeson 1010

    I used to have one but can't remember. But all were easily accessible.
  2. olcowhand

    Recreational Gas

    Around here 100% pure gas is anywhere between 50 & 75 cents per gallon more than ethanol blend 87, and the pure gas is also 87 octane.
  3. olcowhand

    Recreational Gas

    What was that.....a farting contest? Lol
  4. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    "The Surplus Center" has carried the shafting on and off over the years. They also usually carry couplers.
  5. olcowhand

    Great Idea For Plastic Welding

    I bought a kit. Came with stainless window screen for reinforcement but this steel wool idea is great, especially if surface isn't flat!
  6. olcowhand

    Just had to do it.

    Once I had a steel high pressure hydraulic line with a pinhole from rust. Found I was out of brazing rod, so cleaned line spotless, then wrapped copper wire I stripped from electric wire about 3/16" thick over hole and a little beyond each side. Then using flux I soldered it with acid core...
  7. olcowhand

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    4 stings is still too many! Those buggers can sure put the hurtin on ya!
  8. olcowhand

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Used forks on my Kubota BX to move scrap metal to the scrap boneyard yesterday. People will drop off metal scrap here at my place now and then and put it next to my dumpster. Got kinda wooly with high grass and weeds, so had to clean things up.
  9. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Many riders have multiple holes for mounting different makes of engines, so hopefully this will be your case.
  10. olcowhand


    Not sure about others, but I can't see your pic
  11. olcowhand

    Homemade with leftovers

    Totally awesome Rick!!
  12. olcowhand

    Sawdust’s Garden 2023

    Man, I'd hate it if I couldn't grow green beans as I love them home canned. Store bought are ok, but home canned have twice the flavor. We still have a lot of home grown, so only planted 1/4 to 1/3rd what we usually would. Always can in jars, as frozen just don't cut it. We buy peas at...
  13. olcowhand

    Sawdust’s Garden 2023

    VERY nice garden Jim! I wish mine was 10% as good. But with how crazy it was when I should have been planted, I'm happy to have my little row of green beans and my late planted sweet corn. Teresa will likely be grading apples when corn comes in, so may be my 1st time ever putting it...
  14. olcowhand

    Other Small Tractor Show Harrodsburg, Ky

    She only expects to have 8 to 12 tractors total. Her (Ace owner )Dad is a JD restorer and started the small show.
  15. olcowhand

    Other Small Tractor Show Harrodsburg, Ky

    I've always been only either a spectator or a tractor "show-er", so this will be a first for me!
  16. olcowhand

    Other Small Tractor Show Harrodsburg, Ky

    There will be a small tractor show in Harrodsburg, Ky on July 22nd, 10am to around 3pm. Location is 920 College St. This event is sponsored by the Local Ace Hardware. I was surprised by a call just now asking if I would serve as one of the judges! One of my customers, Neal, whom I went to...
  17. olcowhand

    Picked Up A White Rear Tine Tiller

    My guy that sells machines for me sold a similar tiller for me the other day for my $400 and he made himself a hundred. He only had it in his front yard a little over an hour and was sold! That is a super good price for yours!
  18. olcowhand

    Battery grease gun

    With battery powered grease guns, you learn fast how you can feel and hear when grease is being moved. If path is plugged, the gun just stops, and if it runs without pumping, you can both hear and feel that no grease is being pumped. Southern States bought my M18 Milwaukee grease gun from me...
  19. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Yes Jim, your 990 looks amazing!
  20. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Those knobs are expensive at around $7 each! I save knobs off everything before tossing