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  1. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I've always had a knack for sharpening drill bits. One day when working for Southern States a co-worker was having a heck of a time drilling something and said there wasn't a new bit that size in shop and was gonna go to Ace for a new one. Told him to hand it to me and I went to the grinder...
  2. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I actually could use some 9/16 stainless nuts. Put together what you'd like to get rid of and give me a price with shipping and I'll send money. And you don't owe me anything bud!
  3. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I'd buy half those stainless nuts and bolts if you want to sell some!
  4. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I use a lot of stainless hardware on my restorations too! Sure makes for a clean shiny look!
  5. olcowhand

    Some new Milwaukee tools

    Yes, many years ago they would stop by our farm.
  6. olcowhand

    Some new Milwaukee tools

    Cjet, did Pop's buy the old grinder at a "Pier 19" store?
  7. olcowhand

    Picked Up a Generator Today

    Running till engine dies isn't quite a guarantee it won't foul the carb as it still leaves enough fuel to foul the main jet. If carb doesn't have a drain screw, it's way better to crack the bowl retaining bolt to totally drain the bowl. When they have a drain screw, I use the straw on a can...
  8. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I'm wondering if he'd recently been to Taco Bell!
  9. olcowhand

    Picked Up a Generator Today

    More than likely you are right!
  10. olcowhand

    Picked Up a Generator Today

    Most are usually best to simply replace carb with new. The time it takes to get one truly clean is worth way more than price of a new carb.
  11. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Trigger point shots only helped me 3 to 4 days. Told them no more shots as they weren't worth the feeling of being stung by a wasp multiple times!
  12. olcowhand

    Picked Up a Generator Today

    Likely that Honda either needs valve adjustment, OR the exhaust rocker arm is cracked and bent, rendering the auto compression release inoperable. Replaced a couple with cracked and bent rockers. Almost impossible to rope crank.
  13. olcowhand

    Picked Up a Generator Today

    The heavy armatures of the generator head makes rope starting a generator a back and or shoulder pain maker! I have 3 different gensets, and all are electric start. Well, I have 2 or 3 more that are rope only, but don't use them. I to keep them in running shape for people who might need one.
  14. olcowhand

    Cast iron Kohler question

    #47-030-01S is old part number for serial numbers over 9641310. This should lead you to superceded part number.
  15. olcowhand

    Cast iron Kohler question

    #236506S is for bearings with OD of .6825" to .6828". These are for earlier engines with serial # 9641310 and prior.
  16. olcowhand

    Cast iron Kohler question

    Sorry, I don't know the numbers either. I'll see if I can find out though.
  17. olcowhand

    Truck mod.

    I usually don't get into chopped down trucks, but that's a work of art!
  18. olcowhand

    Hill Top adventures

    Wow Shorty, got behind on reading and just seen about your accident! Sounds like the pain was a 20 on a 1 to 10 scale! Praying for continued healing and for you to get back to 100%!
  19. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    3 of my meds are tier 3, and due to Teresa having some inheritance money in the bank, I no longer get help with meds from the state, and they are $47 each. Now my meds are a total of nearly $200/month, where they used to be maybe a total of $30/month, and after a short time, met deductible and...
  20. olcowhand

    New work bench for the shipping container

    I'm on my 3rd like it in about 6 years. Usually the hose starts leaking, but never had an actual pump failure.