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  1. olcowhand

    Battery grease gun

    You won't regret getting one!
  2. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Now that you mentioned it, I've not seen the hoards of black birds yet this year either!
  3. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    That's Noel's cousin!
  4. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Happy belated birthday bud!
  5. olcowhand

    Converting a Kohler K321 from breakerless Ignition to Points

    Only thing I ever owned with this breakerless ignition was a Wheel Horse GT14, but fortunately for me it was still working fine when I sold the machine.
  6. olcowhand

    John Deere 40 Grille repair

    I'd bet before you got rid of the run that your paint job was way beyond in quality than the original factory paint! But I get it... you saw it and HAD to fix it! The older I get, the easier I can live with flaws. That can be good and bad! Lol
  7. olcowhand

    John Deere 40 Grille repair

    I had a friend give me a couple cans of hardener earlier this year and spun off the caps of both to find it solid clear and rock hard!
  8. olcowhand

    John Deere 40 Grille repair

    I should have had over half gallon of thinner and 3/4 gallon of pre-cleaner, but both, even though the caps were tight, both cans completely evaporated away! That's several $'s up in the air! Guess being I've not painted in several years I should have expected that though.
  9. olcowhand

    John Deere 40 Grille repair

    As soon as I get more thinner, I have to paint some JD yellow. It's a 18 hp repowered JD316 of an old friend's. Only supposed to paint the deck assembly, but may go on and paint all 4 rims. Once he sees the nice new yellow paint he may decide to get me to shoot new green,. but I hope not...
  10. olcowhand

    MillerMatic 200 MIG welder died

    Definitely sounds like just the switch!
  11. olcowhand

    Wisconsin AENLD from Refer unit

    That right there is gonna be a runner!
  12. olcowhand

    ISO FF-18 regulator/rectifier

    At full throttle your stator should put out a minimum of 28VAC. If not it's likely a weak stator.
  13. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I have a couple old parts tractors that might still have brake parts. I'll check tomorrow.
  14. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I wonder if you can cut the dipstick tube and inch or so above the NPT threads, thread in the short piece, then join the two with hose and clamps? I know it's tight back there too.
  15. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Those brakes are the worst to work on! The designers could have easily made more room!
  16. olcowhand

    Brake cleanup for the John Deere 40T

    What did you use/do to remove the goo from deep within the disc?
  17. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Doug, I took crawl the walls in quiet. I run a 50 year old Seats noise maker, plus a fan. These new fans don't make as much noise as I need, and to add they sure don't move much air like the OLD steel blades fans.
  18. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    But wait... gotta check out the Kobalt one first!
  19. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    My heat gun died just last week too! That 1600 watt from HF is what I'm going to buy.
  20. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I also take Melatonin Chris....10mg. It helps me get tired enough to fall asleep even with neck pain.