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  1. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    You have a hoist? When did you get that?
  2. Cat385B

    Got the garden Plowed

    Cleaned up and boxed up, stored in the garage.
  3. Cat385B

    Got the garden Plowed

    Still not sure what to do with 200 red dragon canna lily bulbs. I think I have about 5-600 4 leaf clover bulbs. (Iron Cross, or O. Deppei)
  4. Cat385B

    Got the garden Plowed

    It’s done, about 6 or 7 inches. Got all the fern peonies split, sold a bunch, and got the others replanted on Sunday. Got all the beds covered, except the strawberries; which were still growing. Cover those the next time I can see them.
  5. Cat385B

    Got the garden Plowed

    Fa la la la la
  6. Cat385B

    94 GMC K1500 a project by accident

    My FIL had a ‘93 with the 4.3, but it was a 1500 reg cab short box flareside. With the 5 speed manual, it was ok as a cruiser but not a worker. This one is pretty close:
  7. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Why do plumbing issues show up on Sunday night? Ejector pump float hung up, crudded up. Fixed that, then notice while running water pump kicks on almost instantly. Pressure tank bladder must have an internal leak. Still holding, no external leak yet. So far this year: A/C condenser Ejector pump...
  8. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    RH or LH discharge mower deck? It’s supposed to turn sharper (slightly) to the non-discharge side.
  9. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    For sale near me, price is decent, going to look Thursday. Fingers crossed.
  10. Cat385B

    It’s back....

    After a 7 year absence, I have the Ariens ST824S back at my place. It will be used for patio sidewalk and walking path duty. The light duty TroyBilt will just sit. So, 4 blowers, one plow, one broom, and assorted shovels. Willing to trade for a late model diesel cab tractor with a front mount...
  11. Cat385B

    Terra Grip traction belts

    Two of my neighbors swear by them. Both asphalt, one of which is long and almost a 3% grade, the other is virtually flat. On the other hand, the sloped drive owner has a JD X750 with a hard cab and a click and go weight bracket with 4 suitcase weights. The other has an X754 with 50# wheel...
  12. Cat385B

    Made a score today! JD 54/56 Blade

    Here’s to hoping it stays like that all winter long.
  13. Cat385B

    What am I looking at?

    Highly customized.
  14. Cat385B

    Basic hose question

  15. Cat385B

    1991 terramite t5c mini excavator

    Prop the machine in the air (stabilizers and buckets down) and try to get it moving that way. The air should purge itself
  16. Cat385B

    Picked up a IH 782

    My BIL had a 782D with the 50C deck. It did a nice job on his very uneven yard.
  17. Cat385B

    Crud Cadet 782

    Oh crap, now he’s going to show us his rear end.
  18. Cat385B

    I have a friend that needs a little case help

    Looks like he needs two carriage bolts and the bracket off a small muffler clamp.