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  1. JDJake

    2 free quads

    B.E. made steam shovels back in the day, there is also a connection with Britain, they have Bucyrus Rushton, who also made steam shovels.
  2. JDJake

    2 free quads

    The blade, lift mechanism and mounts were made by Bucyrus, of Bucyrus Erie fame. They made the same for Allis Chalmers and a few other companies that made crawlers.
  3. JDJake

    Workin' on the Old Tractors

    Classic is a shade or two darker than Ag and turf.
  4. JDJake

    Mini Car Restoration Shop For DieCast Cars

    There's a Australian guy I used to watch on Youtube who restores Matchbox cars, Marty's Matchbox Makeovers. He does some real nice work taking old Matchbox's and making them look new.
  5. JDJake

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    They are ok on the wide bar construction ag style tires, but I think the set you have are a little to big for that cub. I think a ladder style will work best with that style of tire.
  6. JDJake

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    That chain style is used a lot in logging and on large construction equipment.
  7. JDJake

    For Sale 1957 Wisconsin TF part out

    Those old mags can make some noise. I had to adjust the timing on a old hand start John Deere B a couple years ago. I could hear the mag snapping on the other side of the tractor when I spun the fly wheel over.
  8. JDJake

    Not Mine NOS Garden Tractor Fogger Kit On Marketplace, $300.00. Bangor PA.

    He's a new one to me. There is a Brian that I got my 314 from that had a bunch of Cub stuff, but it's not this guy.
  9. JDJake

    For Sale 1957 Wisconsin TF part out

    The "snap" noise might just be the magneto, Doug. Looks like a nice little engine, hopefully someone can get it back into running condition.
  10. JDJake

    For Sale Free 9" JD kids wagon wheels

    Perfect match for this cart, Doug. This cart came out about the same time the first Ertl pedal tractors did.
  11. JDJake

    For Sale Free 9" JD kids wagon wheels

    Look like the wheels that are on the old two wheel pedal tractor cart.
  12. JDJake

    And more junk.

    There's two I know of here in PA, one just west of Harrisburg and one near McConnellsburg.
  13. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Shame I'm back East, I would have taken it off your hands for that price, Doug. Although I have about 3-4 of those blades and 2-3 of the tillers, only one tiller is good though. Would like to set up another 110 as a "pit tractor", mount a air compressor and a altenator on the front so I can air...
  14. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Sounds like the center sheave in the variator might need some attention too. It should be able to move side to side with slight even pressure. Over time than can wear enough that the sheave can angle slightly, causing it to hang up. At the moment I'm not sure if Deere has parts available for...
  15. JDJake

    And more junk.

    There's a spring underneath that is part of the variator, depending on how much the adjustment bolt that is attached to it is threaded in or out affects the rate of "take up" that the variator has. If the spring is tightened up, the variator should react very quickly.
  16. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Doug, to adjust the Variator on the 110, set the lever in the third notch up from full forward (should also be the fifth notch from full rear). There should be two knock out plugs in front of the lever, remove the front one ( I think) and there should be a 3/4 bolt behind it. Loosen that bolt...
  17. JDJake

    Just had to get the Kubota out

    Two piece lever maybe? Remove/install when getting in and out of the cab.
  18. JDJake

    Workin' on the Old Tractors

    Beet juice is ok, but messy when it leaks, pretty sticky.
  19. JDJake

    And more junk.

    Actually Bill, I was a expert by the time I first drove on RT 22, I had two years of driving a Army lowboy in Germany under my belt by that time.;)
  20. JDJake

    And more junk.

    This is the truck set I had, my dad and I had a lot of fun cutting each other off and other shenanigans.