HF Black Friday sale had their expensive gun marked down to $14. I grabbed one and also paid the extra $5 for the 2yr 100% replacement plan.
It was a 50% savings! Wish I had another $20 to pick up a 2nd one at the time.
If you are shabby at air painting, this gun will improve your work.
@4getgto stated,
The old saying...
Does a painter make a gun or a gun make a painter ?
This air gun does help the painter a good deal. Both the regulator and the nozzle and the feed rate gets you close to being a pro.
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If your air compressor kicks on and the pressure does a quick burst, the guns without a regulator will spit a blob of paint out and you will get a bad coat in that area. My neighbor is a 30+ year union painter. He said they use this exact HF gun all the time with the HF 3-gallon pancake compressors. He professionally paints colleges, dorms, banks, city halls, city park buildings, truck stops, etc.
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