Anybody got Witte engines?


Senior Member
I have 2 Witte throttle governed engines. A 2HP and a 12HP . Both use a Wico EK magneto, which I only have one of. I have thought about building one of the imitation Wico mags that I've seen how-tos of. The 12HP is a 1927 model and was bought used sometime later by my granddad. My dad and I replaced the piston rings and had a new wrist pin fitted to the connected rod about 35 years ago.
The 2HP I bought about 30 years ago and gave it to my dad, now deceased, for his birthday. I will save the pair for my son and three (so far) grandsons. I have no pics but will take some and post them soon.
I don’t have one, but look fwd to seeing them.
What model will are you looking for? Tractor show Flea markets are a great resource.