
This show is one of only two in NJ. it is not specifically a tractor show but rather if in runs on fuel, bring it. Actually I prefer these
types of show because of the diversity. Cars , trucks , big rigs and of course tractors and GTs. I also get to visit with my friend Jableman a member here. I will certainly post some pictures if Florence allows me to attend.
This show is one of only two in NJ. it is not specifically a tractor show but rather if in runs on fuel, bring it. Actually I prefer these
types of show because of the diversity. Cars , trucks , big rigs and of course tractors and GTs. I also get to visit with my friend Jableman a member here. I will certainly post some pictures if Florence allows me to attend.

where and when is this show...???
it was a nice show today, as usual I had limited amount of time quick walk through the flea market, checked out the show cars and trucks and got to see hank for a little bit, and those who hadn't seen that brillion restoration it looks even better in person, awesome tractor, and he had some others there in display too. did see a wagner little giant for sale very rough but complete no body was there when i walked by I went back but was getting loaded on some else's truck oh well I got enough projects right now but I wouldn't have minded picking that one up.