After some upgrades my 60 Homelite is ready for snow removal and yard work, its aging B&S 6HP has been replaced with a modern power plant for ease of starting and dependability in the form of a Predator 8hp. engine. Although it has the same foot print as the Briggs it had to be moved 2 1/2'' forward to accommodate the Predator's angled cylinder configuration, which then mandated a new belt guard be made and a shorter belt installed. Also since this tractor had only manual lift capability and the blower that came with it weighs in at eighty lbs. something had to be done, enter the Badlands 2500 lb. winch with a few small modifications to the mounting bracket on the blower this machine is now much more user friendly. I also had to fabricate control arms for the chute and the blower engagement since they were missing, Case wheel weights were also added to help with balancing out the blower weight here are some pictures of the mods.