Bunton edger

yup. just exactly what those mowers are made for!!!! I have one too, haven't had it out in a few years. That kid who put on that show near Greencastle IN (Jonas, maybe? he's a member at GTT) wanted to buy mine a couple years ago
Never owned an edger till recent years. Just never seen the need. But Teresa wanted one, so she got one....corded type. I couldn't believe how much better it made the yard look around walks and such. So recently I got her a Kobalt 80V cordless and she really loves it. It does a much nicer job than any of the 2 or 3 corded type we had picked up dirt cheap at yard sales. But she thought she ruined it the other day. She told me she broke it and it wouldn't go back together. Somehow she found the special nut and backup washer, but she said the nut wouldn't go back on. I knew what it was immediately....reverse thread. Put it on good and tight and she was again a very happy camper! LOL
But not what most think of when one says "edger". More like what would have been used before the weed eater days.
Come to think of it, I have another edger, an old reel type. I should get it down, clean it up, and display the two together. Maybe get a new high-tech one and show the "evolution" of edgers.