So 40 hours on this now. Hour meter didn’t work when I got the tractor around the first of October 2020. So took it apart and fixed it. Been working since. First 25/30 hours or so was mainly idling and driving getting things to work, doing the body work and paint. Then trying to get the blower to work. Finally it has been on work duty moving snow for the last few months. Seems to work good. Had some frustrations with it along the way, but some how I over come them. Would I do it all over again ? NO ! Hehe. I doubt I will ever do any body and paint work again thou. Have to find a sleeve hitch for it now, so I can use all my attachments.
Any way have a little snow the last few days, so we went out and cleaned that up today. And she turned up 40 hours.
Any way have a little snow the last few days, so we went out and cleaned that up today. And she turned up 40 hours.
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