Case snowcaster repairs


Senior Member
About a week ago after I finished blowing snow I thought that the snowcaster was noisier then it should be so after the snow melted off I checked the auger sure enough it moved up & down so and was making noise when I rolled it over by hand. Got the parts manual out looked up the bearings wrote the number down went to google and found bearings several places saying they were for the deck spindles and the blower auger so I order a set of 6 as I also have a deck that may need bears some time. Went to work on removing the auger/blower assy to remove the old bearings, that was a bit of a job there are nuts welded to the inside of the blower end plate to attach the bearing end cap so I have to us a long pry bar to get clearance to get the auger tube past the nuts, got the auger out and worked on removing the bad bearings I started with the LH side and I couldn't budge them with the slide hammer got the torch out heated the ares real good and after much work the inner race came out, got a long 1" pipe and put it down the auger tube gave it a rap with a hammer and the bearing came out used the same on the other bearing race and it took several good raps but it came out got the new bearing out and to my dismay they were too small a diameter, cleaned up the old bearing got the number of it and went to google found the right bearing order them. 50+ year old snowblower and many model was the problem.
The new right bearings came Saturday afternoon, these bearings have a collar and a hex inner race, the bearing end cap has a 1" hex stub that holds and aligns the auger, installed the bearings the LH one was a bit stubborn it was just hard to get in to the tube but finally went the RH one went right in now reinstalling the auger was a fun job again getting it in past the nuts but learned that getting the RH side in and installing the end caop with the bolts loose worked as that hels it in place so I could again use the pry bar to get the auger tube past the nuts. Got the drive cahin around the sprocket and the master link in and locked then adjusted the chain tension. The end cap/ stub shafts have hold around the edge with varying distance like a cam so got it rotated to the right chain tension on the RH side then on to the LH side got it good tightened the retaining bolts and tied spinning the auger and it turned ever so nice (forgot to say the end plates are indexed via a 1/4" hole drill next to the shortest hole) Started the tractor engine and engaged the PTO and the blower runs so smooth & quite that I had to really listen to hear it running.
This morning took the PK out and blew snow in front of the shop doors and a path to the back of the shop it worked great nice and smooth and quite
In case anyone might need some bearings where is were I go them best price by about 2/3's the price others wanted
Sounds a lot like working on a differential where you use a spreader when removing the carrier. Were these the original bearings?
Yes the replacements are the same except for some reason the number is a bit different but over the years the number must have changed as repeated searches for the original number always came to this number old number is RX68 new is RX84 they look the same old and new is side by side comparison
I pulled the plow off of my pk today. It looks like highs in the 50's and lows in the mid 30's or 40's. I'll see if enough of us get together we could send it your way. It may take a little time but I'm sure we can send you warmer weather.
I pulled the plow off of my pk today. It looks like highs in the 50's and lows in the mid 30's or 40's. I'll see if enough of us get together we could send it your way. It may take a little time but I'm sure we can send you warmer weather.
Thanks Eric your a swell guy I just looked at our 14 day temp forecast nothing close to the 40's even and that's the first week of April right now the highs are a couple of days at 36*F we have a foot of snow cover yet
Great you got her fixed up Gary. I took the thrower off my Case 224 today and put on the mowing deck. Took it out to test it and it ran good after my rust repairs. Grass still dead, but it blew some old grass around. So it’s ready for the grass cutting I would say, but that will be a while yet. Snow storm tonite. Maybe snow on Sunday too.

You folks have really got the brunt of winter this year, Gary! You were prepared and took care of equipment issues as they happened. Hopefully Cali will start drying out so the weather pattern changes enough to let you warm up a bit! The weather service said we are a little below average snowfall this year at 53". It doesn't seem like that much but it seems we get a couple days here and there for it to melt.

We haven't had enough snow to warrant putting on the blower besides my DA 916 is out commission right now and the 7112 is at my son's place and the walk behind is buried in the shed. I am guessing we have had over 2" of rain in the last couple days.
Boy I sure would give you about 6-8 inches of snow if you wanted to get the cobwebs out of those blowers
We are supposed to get more in the next week yet too. Hope it stays warm enough to melt fast. May 10th 2015, Mother's Day, we got 13.5 inches.
Blizzard Mothers day, 2015 001.jpg Blizzard Mothers day, 2015 007.jpg

I think it was 1968 we got several inches in June. I remember school was out and we were riding our bikes in the snow. We rode the bikes in it all the time but never when school was out for the summer!

April, big snows are kind of normal actually!
