Checking 1620 over getting it ready to use


Senior Member
Hi all well I've been going over the 1620 PK getting it ready to use, cleaned and serviced the tractor lubed as needed removed the receiver hitch (I don't have anything to use it with) and reinstalled the OEM draw bar installed a nice new seat I just happened to have, replaced a broken sway chain for the 3 PT hitch and deck replaced the blade with new on the deck. Have been driving it around just because I like to:cool:
What? No Pics???? Come on now!
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Hi all installed the landscape rake and gave it a try then trailered the tractor out to my home and raked up a bunch of apples it worked very well for that but now I have to load them into a trailer and get rid of them then went down the road a bit and leveled some bumps, about a week ago the culvert had to be replaced so now its it has settled and there's a pretty good bump so I tried the rake out on that and it worked good now we'll see
Here you go Kenny
how long it lastsHPIM2102.JPGHPIM2103.JPGHPIM2104.JPG