Fleet Picture


Senior Member
IMG_20220924_145221495_HDR (2).jpgI have been wanting to take a picture of all my GT's for a while now. I have spent the last 3 weeks getting them all running, some of them had not ran for 2-3 years. I am missing one MF14 from the picture. The MF14 did not want to run and is in the garage, hoping a new set of points and condensor will fix the no spark issue.
There is a 540 PTO spine under the cover it is difficult to see. Back in the day some farms used a hay elevator to move small bales from the ground to the top of the barn. Instead of using a full size farm tractor to run the hay elevator you could hook up the PTO to a garden tractor. I found this on the web to help. 95wi096a.gif
Beautiful fleet Ted! Thanks for the pictures! Hope you post individual pics too. My MF fleet is up to 3 now and 2 "other" garden tractors too---LOL!

Here are some individual pictures; IMG_20220925_094845239_HDR.jpg MF14, this is the first GT I purchased, has a 50" JD deck from a JD318. IMG_20220925_095245572.jpgMF 7 purchased last Nov, repowered with HF engine. IMG_20220925_095254231.jpgMF8 with snow blower repowered with HF engine. MF10 first year of production the dash aluminum nose piece plastic. IMG_20220925_095302305.jpg MF 10 2nd year of production.
I have four MF tractors. 7,12,14 and 16. Those 540 pto’ are rare. In my parts anyway. I know of one in NS. My MF12 had electric lift. But the lift part was missing when I got the tractor. The switch was still in the dash thou. So I use that to operate the winch which lifts and lowers the loader.

Nice fleet you have there esbbent.
