Free: Troy-Bilt with a Craftsman Kohler


Just got this freebie today. Looks like it was in the middle of an engine swap, no deck, and no hood. Got it hoping the engine is good and I could use the tire/wheels for some other projects. I used some jumper cables and some starting fluid and it fired up. I got some water out of the engine when I first cranked it over which doesn't surprise me seeing that it doesn't have the air cleaner on it. It was inside when I picked it up but may have been outside for a short time.

There was a guy on CL over the summer who had a 15hp version of that engine listed for free along with tires, seat, wiring harness from some kind of craftsman LT. The the ad was there for a couple of days, and at the time I had something in mind that I could have put just such an engine onto.
About the time I would have had time to go after it, the ad disappeared.
I had just bought the bobcat commercial 32" walk behind, that I put my new old stock 12hp Briggs L head onto. And I know where I could get another one that had about half of a Kawasaki engine left on it. Plan was to go after that Kohler and then go after the other commercial walk behind and put the Kohler onto this other walk behind. (Different brand mower but very very similar machine) snoozed and lost on the Kohler so it passed on the 2nd mower at least for the time being.
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Hi cjet, I've had a couple of engines that have set for a time and ran like that I've had good luck screwing the idle jet out squirting carb cleaner in a good shot then using the air blow gun to get it thru the passages and the same with the main jet saves removing & disassembling the carb
Hi cjet, I've had a couple of engines that have set for a time and ran like that I've had good luck screwing the idle jet out squirting carb cleaner in a good shot then using the air blow gun to get it thru the passages and the same with the main jet saves removing & disassembling the carb
I wiil try that, GB. I need to check the fuel bowl for crud or water. This engine did get some water in it probably down the carb.
Cleaned the bowl and it ran a little better, but then started the surging and sputtering. Pulled the bowl back off and found a little more water. Cleaned that up and while installing the solenoid, the wire broke off. It was hanging by a thread. Someone has soldered it before, and it let go again. I doubt if I can fix it, but I will try. May have to get a new one.
