How much should a system leak???


New Member
I know this forum is more suited for farm equipment but I have a question regarding a hydraulic window system we installed this past month for a restaurant the owner keeps complaining that there is a small amount of fluid on the hoses and around the valve body - He says the system is leaking and I keep telling him it is not unusual for there to be some fluid on and around the system control body, reservoir and pump.

The window system operates correctly, and they use it daily - Primarily, they open the windows in the morning - (large single hinge units weighing approx 700 lbs ea - 3 total) - They remain open all day and do not sag or move until closed at the end of the day.

I am just curious if anyone could let me know if I am correct or if I should be doing something different to solve the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you for your reply

How about this question - We recently replaced the valve body and connections - Would it be reasonable to expect there to be a small amount of fluid on the hoses, cennectors and valve body

The issue is the owner is sending emails stating the system is leaking - If this were the case, wouldn't the system fail to operate properly?
Thank you for your reply

How about this question - We recently replaced the valve body and connections - Would it be reasonable to expect there to be a small amount of fluid on the hoses, cennectors and valve body

The issue is the owner is sending emails stating the system is leaking - If this were the case, wouldn't the system fail to operate properly?
Wouldn't fail to operate correctly until the oil volume got to low. Some fitting joints may "sweat" somewhat but shouldn't necessarily. Have you look at it ?
Being it’s holding up a 700lb window I’d be willing to bet there are load locks on the cylinders that would not allow the window to fall if a hose ruptured.

So the window wouldn’t lower if there is a leak.

I’d clean off the oil accumulations and see if any new shows up. If you changed the valve body I’d imagine a good bit emptied from the hoses when they were off.