I had the winning Bid


Senior Member
A local used equipment dealer had an online auction today and I had the winning bid for this John Deere 42" blade. I started bidding when it was $7.00, and it ended at $21.00. Wasn't in the market for one but couldn't pass it up at that price. It should come to around $25.00 with fees and tax. I will pick it up Monday.

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I've got 2 of those I got free, one was from a buddy that was cleaning out, no mount plate. The other I got from a friend, I had mounted it on their ATV, they sold it and gave me the blade. I have plans to cut one down and make a mid mount blade
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Main thing I hate about on line bidding, or any auction for that matter is that stupid buyers premium. Let the seller pay the flat commission for the total of the auction. Worked that way for hundreds of years.
Think you got it at a great price.
How do like bidding on-line ? The way a lot are doing it anymore.
I like it. In the past when I have gone to this auction to bid on an item you had to wait most of the day, usually in pouring rain, until they got around to the item you were interested in. The online auction you know the time when it ends so you can be working on other things in the meantime. The downside is more people can bid and prices on most things are higher than they used to be. The sellers like that part.
This buyers premium they charge has probably been happening for last 10-15 years around here. Remember it being 7% and gradually made its up to ( average) 15%-21%. Plus state taxes. Its frecken crazy anymore. "Some" (and I mean very few) won't charge buyers premium at On Site auctions.
The auctioneer's win both ways..
This auction has a 10% premium. Before he went to an online auction it was 20% on items below $100.
Yea one would think that online would be less.
Not normally the case around here.
Then there's the "discount" if you pay by cash, check, credit card...as that can influence the percentage.
Only one auction company that uses the buyer premium for the bigger ticket items. Does that to cover his cost of using Proxibid. In person it is straight commission. He recently had a large gun and related item auction. All the guns were were on line AND in person bidding. On line paid the buyer premium plus he provided the shipping to FFl dealers at additional cost. All his other auctions are seller commission. He has done extremely well the last few years and goes for the larger estate auctions and antique auctions. Once you win a bid you can walk outside to the pay trailer and pay for your item. No waiting for bid sheets to show up.