I bought this for $100. The guy said that he was fixing it for somebody & after he replaced the coil it still wasn't firing. So he told them that they need a new pickup coil & when he gave them the price for parts & labor so they told him not to worry about it & left it. He's doing fall clean up so I got it for a steal according to some of y'all. I'm not for sure why it's not firing. The coil looks somewhat new, but the capacitor looks old. First off he had the capacitor on the negetive side of the coil. I swapped it around & still not firing. I'm getting fire to coil but nothing to the spark plugs. Like I said he told the customer that it needed a pickup coil( I'm thinking ignition coil) I'm trying to see if there is anything else I can try before pulling the motor. I might need help with the engine serial number because I can't read the sticker.