Kawasaki hard to start


Senior Member
I have 4 John Deere lawn/garden tractors with kawasaki engines and it seems like the colder it is outside the harder they are to start. One is a 12.5 hp, one a 14 hp ohv, and two 17 horse ohv. They do OK in the summer time, not great but OK, but as the weather cools they are hard to start. It doesn't matter if the plugs are new or old (NGK) and I have set the valve lash on them and adjusted the choke so they are on full choke when starting. They crank OK, just takes a lot of cranking for them to start. In todays weather of low 30's I have to use a little carb cleaner to get them started. All my batteries are at least 400 cranking amps. Once started they do fine for the day. I have dropped the fuel bowls and made sure they are clean, and change the fuel filters at least once a year whether they look like they need it or not. I also run alcohol free fuel year round and keep clean air filters in them. Fuel flow is good out of the fuel pumps. About the only think I haven't done is rebuild the carburetors. I am open to suggestions, it may just be the nature of the beast.
I will make the investment. Thank you!
I've had around 3 Kawa's do this, and you most times had to crank & crank while spraying starting fluid or carb spray to get fired up. Once fired, as you said, you'd be fine till you shut off & had to re-start. Spark was there, but weak. Tried new coils, but not a bit better. Put the module on and they would fire instantly! I keep a couple new modules on hand.