Hi all, had the PK 1620 out plowing snow last Monday mostly clean up but was pushing against the pile and of course the snon come over the top of the blade and piles up on the base plate, anyway plowing going good was just about done when I noticed the blade was really scraping close to the ground and tearing up grass and chunks of frozen dirt thought I'd may a couple final passes in front of the shop doors boy the blade was really scrapping and peeling off the hard pack so run the tractor back into the shop (was done) and checked things out lowered the skid shoes to raise the bade about 3/4" got to looking and the shoes didn't look right then the light came on the blade was titled forward at the top bringing the cutting edge aft making it cut more looked and snow and ice had gotten between the blade and base plated at the hinge line causing the title. This morning when I looked it over the ice was gone and the blade was back to its proper angle left the shoe adjust so the blade was up.