Needing advice from some experts.


Senior Member
Since winter's coming on and my old J.D. 4040 is failing fast I'm thinking about getting a different method of moving snow this year. I've been considering a Cub Cadet LT46 with a 23hp. Kohler and 42" front mount snowblower. As you know my repair abilities are limited, this would be a new unit. Any advise or recommendations? Thanks in advance.
I would like to suggest you look at something that is at least 30hp and preferably 40hp. I recently purchased a JD 2032r (32hp) and after using it for almost a year I would not go any smaller. Weight is an issue when moving snow and I just put 240lbs of wheel weights on mine.
You know your situation better than anyone here so I might be out of line in your case. One thing that need to consider is how easy is it to get on and off. We aren't getting any younger.
I looked up JD 4040. Is this what you have?

I dont know how much driveway you need to blow but that is not a machine I would recommend for snow removal.... its too light, wheels are too small.... and I just dont think it will stand up to much sht&abuse in general.... not much in that price range would IMO.
Thanks for the help Chris. My old 4040 is what you pictured, a smaller (100h.p. or so) field tractor that we baled hay, fed cows, etc. with forever. This is my Olde. Deere moving snow with it many years ago. I priced out the J.D2032 you mentioned and the tractor alone runs better than $36,000.00, way beyond my budget I'm afraid. The Cub with the snowblower, weights and chains quoted out at close to $7000.00 at the dealership near me. I will only be using it to clear my lane and paths out to the barnyard for chicken chores since I will be selling the cattle this fall and won't be feeding bales etc. anymore.


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Thanks Lance, I was wondering if that small a unit would be heavy enough even with wheel weights to be effective on the hill coming into my yard. On the plus side, we seldom get hard drifted snow here in the valley so it is relatively easy to move within a day or so of falling.
Thanks Bill, hiring the major work out would be an option for sure if we had a major storm like the one we had last Feb. when I was snowed in for several days. Unfortunately I have the only "big" blower in the neighbourhood and it's mounted on the non-functioning old J.D 4040. Most people here use a blade and push the snow....that requires a larger space than I have to pile it up in. But I do have wonderful neighbours I can go to for help if it comes to that. I just hate to be a bother to them if I can figure a way to look after myself.
Thanks Bill, hiring the major work out would be an option for sure if we had a major storm like the one we had last Feb. when I was snowed in for several days. Unfortunately I have the only "big" blower in the neighbourhood and it's mounted on the non-functioning old J.D 4040. Most people here use a blade and push the snow....that requires a larger space than I have to pile it up in. But I do have wonderful neighbours I can go to for help if it comes to that. I just hate to be a bother to them if I can figure a way to look after myself.
You're selling yourself short Lorna.
I seriously doubt you'd be a bother to your neighbors.. ;)
I cant exactly recall how many tractor/snowblower combo units Ive sold over the years, probably over 30... and not many that I would have considered keeping while living on an acreage with about 400yds or so of driveway plus parking area to clear. Snowblowers on a small tractor is a painfully slow process and very often a miserable chore without a cab... especially so if/WHEN you get the bloody thing stuck... and chains dont mean you wont get stuck... but they can dig a bigger hole that makes it harder to get out of.

I dont keep up with the new machines to know whats available but the basic requirements are the same regardless if its a new machine or some old vintage GT like what Im usually working with... first off the tractor itself needs a minimum weight of nearly 1000# without rider, attachments and added ballast, minimum of 12" rear wheels and I strongly recommend ATV tires on them, and a cab.... or a 1pc snowsuit and full face helmut because the wind will always find a way to blow the snow back in your face.

Your stepping down from a nice comfy very capable snow moving machine and considering one of about the smallest least capable type of machine on the market... I expect you would quickly regret that decision... possibly within the first winter and then your tractor is only worth half of what you may have paid for it.

I always forget exactly where you are... kinda northern Sk isnt it? probably more snow than I get near Calgary but less wind... but no chinooks which probably make my winters a little easier than yours. To bad we arent closer or I would offer to maintain a decent older machine for you... I have a couple of older girls near me in very similar situation to yours, hubby is gone and theyre left trying to keep up with all the chores and machinery.... so they call me, and I often work for homebaked goods ;)

afterthought... do you have a truck? ever consider putting a blade on it? I know you mentioned not having alot of space to pile snow but when pushed with a truck it really doesnt require alot of space because it becomes much more tightly packed. I will start the winter with the driveway pushed out a foot or two wider than the actual edge of the gravel... can end up with some deep hard ridges that take some time to melt away in the spring but it is the fastest way to clear snow Ive ever seen...... I park the truck in a heated garage and I can clear 90% of the yard in under 30 minutes even if the storm isnt over yet..... one of the lanscape companies I maintain equip for is run by two women prob about my age... 60ish... those two girls make the rest of us look like dumby's when its time to move snow.
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My son use to do his 800 foot driveway with a ford garden tractor. An older one. Which was a heavy old machine. But. It couldn’t do it. You start banging into 6’ foot drifts over time. Things bend. The tractor could do it, I should say. But by the end of the winter, bent, twisted and broke down.
Now, I don’t really know your driveway situation, and have no idea on what you can spend. Are there any tractor dealers that sell used. And what I mean in used is only one or two years old. At a dealer that has parts and can service it !! A subcompact tractor might be a reasonable choice, but a little better would be a compact tractor. Normally these are 4 wheel drive. A loader and rear blower is a good set up. Cab or no cab. Your not needing to have to get to the snow right away, I don’t think, so you can sorta do the clean up in better weather, so a cab, is not really needed. But would be nice.
Hope you get something figured out Lorna. Let us know how you get along.
My two cents worth.

I priced out the J.D2032 you mentioned and the tractor alone runs better than $36,000.00, way beyond my budget I'm afraid.
That was a shock.:eek: I forget how much difference there is between your currency and ours. I paid $23,000 for mine with the loader and two buckets. Cab was $1,400. If I had to pay $77,000 I'm afraid it wouldn't have happened. Wow!
Just what all is wrong with your current tractor?
When reading your original post I was wondering the same thing. Your tractor still has value and like Daniel stated buying a good used tractor with a cab that you can mount your blower on might be a better option. Another thing that will bring the price down a lot is getting a tractor with a gas engine. Most of the time a gas engine in good condition will start easier in the winter when it's really cold. A gas engine is cheaper to maintain. While I've owned a couple of trucks with plows and they did a good job of moving snow a tractor could be used year around for chores and other jobs around your place.
I could have purchased a nice JD 4020 gas for a lot less than my 2032r.