No fire


I have a Sears Suburban 12 horsepower Tecumseh that was running great and when I shut it off I had nothing found that the two ground wires connected to the back end of the generator had came loose I put them back on, the engine turns over now but no fire to the spark plug what would cause this. Thanks James
Good morning and welcome, that engine should have Tecumseh SSI solid state ignition, there should be one wire coming off the SSI unit it is a ground wire check that it isn't grounding out the ignition DO NOT put 12 volts on that wire it will fry the SSI unit. FYI there are no ground wires on the starter - generator there should be 2 wires and a starter cable the cable and one wire connects to the generator "A" post and to the voltage regulator the other wire is the "F" post it connects to the VR "F" post
A pic of your motor and tractor would be great to help determine your exact issue. The Solid state modules started around 68 and there were 3 variations from 68 to 73 and up. There are also different charge systems during those years.
As MNGB stated, we hope you didn't somehow put 12+ volts to the ignition module.