Sawdust Garden 2024


Jim from Kentucky
Staff member
This year had its challenges way too much rain the garden stayed muddy fir a long time. Now it’s almost been like a drought for about three weeks. Most everything is doing good. This was the first year in a long time we never started our plants. You can really tell the difference. The tomatoes are so spiny, peppers are really slow even though I’ve fertilized like I have for years. The cucumbers had to be planted twice. Our corn is just now sprouting it should be 4’ high by the 4th of July in our area as the old saying goes. We have Indian corn that’s about 4’ high for Fall decorations. I never bought any potatoes I just planted two 40’ rows of what seed I had from last year. The other side of the potatoes I planted four 40’ rows of Bodacious corn it’s just now sprouting. I have gourds and pumpkins in between the potatoes and corn. The beets are just now coming up. I pulled the red onions already for winter, the yellow ones will be ready in a couple of weeks then the white will be ready too. We’ve been eating green onions for a couple of months. The squash and zucchini are blooming. I have a big problem with the beans. I accidentally planted pole beans with the bush beans so that’s going to be a jungle. The pole beans are doing well under the tee pees. The peppers are blooming. We have tomatoes a little bigger than a golf ball. I have to continue tying up the tomatoes about twice a week the vines just aren’t strong enough to hold the tomatoes.

We still have plenty of corn in the freezer and canned along with beans and pickles. Although we cut back this year I think it’s going to be a lot less next year.


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Not sure why this happened but we lost all of our Tomato plant’s except for one. As far as I can tell it looks a tomato wilt hit them. We only got the plants from two different sources. Most everything I’ve read it’s a bacteria in the soil that chokes the main stem. Yesterday I went out to pull them up but a few have young leaves not wilted at the top. I’m hoping they recover but it doesn’t look good. IMG_0951.jpegIMG_0952.jpeg
Checked out garden, such as it is, yesterday morning. Carolyn picked 3 Nice big green bell peppers. Several more have formed and will be ready in a week or so. Only put in 3 plants. Cauliflower and broccoli are looking good forming heads. Even the ones the rabbits ate off clear to the stems are coming back. Cabbage is looking good so far. 3 Tomatoes plants are about 4' tall and have several baseball size tomatoes on them. A 4th plant was a different kind we never had before but it is a lot darker green and much shorter plant. Can find the onions now that the spray over the top has killed out 90% of the weeds that had them hid. All the vinine crops are looking good but with all the rain hard to keep up with the weeds. I use the GT with the tiller in that larger area around the vininv crops. Just sending out runner now so not to hard to drive around them. Certainly not the best year for garden again. Ws going to get sweetcorn for freezing but the gl said what they had was a firt picking off this crop and had small kernals. Advised that the corn would be much better for freezing towards the end of the week. Took her word for it and vame home with half fozen ears for eating now. $6 for a bakers dozen ears aof good sweet corn, can mess with trying to finght off the coon for that.
We've had some hot humid days now and the sweet corn has really started growing. Seems like it's gone from knee high to shoulder high overnight. Next week is suppose to be mostly in the 70's so hopefully I can get after the weeds again before they get bad.
We just put our winter red, white, and yellow onions up for the winter. They done very well most were at least like a tennis ball with some of the reds got bigger. The pole beans are doing well really need to pick but we keep having short periods of rain. Cucumbers are doing well but was a late start. Carol put some up for refrigerator dills in spears. We lost several squash and zucchini plants but the few we have left are doing good enough. These things rotted at the ground about a 2” opening on top of the stem. I couldn’t see any bugs. The peppers are doing well, they were slow but now taking off good. I say it every year I should plant the peppers late because they flourish late well into late Fall. Beets may be enough but it’s frustrating trying to keep that stupid grass weeded out. For some reason my potatoes are not blooming yet. I might go out tomorrow and dig a few to see what’s under there. It’s always a mystery I think that’s what drives me every year to plant them. At least this year all I planted was last years seed. I really miss our tomatoes. If this was a wilt caused by a bacteria I’m thinking I should not use the wooden stakes next year. It’s a shame I just made 15 new ones last year. Probably won’t be much corn this year other than the Indian Corn for Fall decorations. I told Carol we might eating that corn. Lol
Grabbed a couple pics of our garden, such as it is. Early rain kept from getting any radish, lettuce, beets and the onions in on time. Did plant two rows of onions when it finally dried enough to work the ground. Then it rain for 2-3 weeks off an on. Weeds took over about everything. Rabbits got the cauliflower and broccoli. 2-4-D got the weeds and the rest of the stuff. Saved 6 cabbage plants and pulled on a couple days ago. Tomatoes are doing great. More ready in a couple days. Vining crops are looking good for now. Water every 4 days with a hose on the plant base only. Weeds still trying to get involved. Have had a few cucumbers as they are working up the hog panel good. Strong wind came through the other night but didn't bother the tomatoes in the cages.

