Sear's Super 12ss

Super 12SSSears

New Member
I have a1968 Sear's Super 12 in great condition except I can't keep it running. I put a new Coil on it and Cleaned out the Gas tank put new Carburetor fuel lines a new fuel filter and fuel cut off inline it Ran 2 hours today I drove it Down my Driveway and it cut off and acts like it's not getting fire someone help me here please.


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Did it have spark before you changed the coil? Did you pull the plug wire off and test to see if it has spark?? When did it last run properly???
Today for over 2 hours and prior to replacing the Coil it didn't have Spark today I drove it from my storage shed to the Road which is about a football field long and it cut off in the Driveway and wouldn't start from there. I checked fuel and spark no Spark.
Is this a new to you tractor??? running for 2 hours and then stalling is not what I would call running normally... whats the history before you changed the coil the first time around. The coil is outside the flywheel correct?? How much gap did you set?? Is the engine running hot??

Been awhile since I worked on 120HH but I think there is a couple members here still using them... they may know better than me.

Welcome to the forum!!
Hi what type of ignition does the engine have? does it have points and an automotive coil or is it the Tecumseh SSI system