Simplicity 6218 maybe a little too new for me


Senior Member
I found a Simplicity 6218 today, complete with mowing deck. Mechanical condition unknown. It appears to be complete. I can probably buy it for about scrap value ($75-80 I guess), or less, but I'm not sure I want it. Anybody got one and like it, or hate it?20190104_150417.jpg20190104_150452.jpg
Funny thing, I was looking for a '64 Studebaker car that I traded away a few years back and found the Simplicity during the hunt. I didn't find the Studebaker yet, but did get a good lead I will follow up on tomorrow. Wouldn't it be something to bring home a Simplicity and a Studebaker on the same trailer?
A stop by the car wash on the way home would do a lot for the value, and the looks of the 6218 wouldn't it?
If I find the Studebaker, I hope it doesn't have stuff growing on it like the Simplicity does. It didn't when I let it get away a few years ago. If I find it and get it back I will post some pics for anyone interested.
I think the 6218 was my first GT. Nice machine but I got tired of reaching between my legs to change speed and direction.
I found the Studebaker. The current owner has evidently been watching Barrett-Jackson Auctions on TV. He wants about five
times the value of the car that has had a poor front suspension swap done since I owned it.
I haven't heard anything on the 6218 yet.