Thinking how to mount an Ariens 42" tiller to my PK's


Senior Member
I pickup a 42" Ariens tiller model # 831006 this summer and I'm thinking about how to hitch it to and power it behind my Power King tractor, hitching is simple just have to adapt the Ariens mounts to 3 pt, the bigger problem to overcome is powering it. Originally it was powered via a rear PTO on the Ariens GT's but the PK's don't have a rear PTO was hoping to mt a HF Predator engine on the till bot th e easy mount won't work because the engine & tiller rotations are opposite

yet another topic in which very few folks agree with me BUT..... after owning a few pull type cultivators I will never use a tiller on a GT again.... an area that may take 2+ hours to rototill can be cultivated in about 20 minutes, the surface wont be as level but thats easy to fix with a small gang of harrows which may take another 10 minutes..... 1/4 of the time and 1/4 of the fuel... and far less chance of a breakdown in the future. I know you guys like to tinker and build stuff but I will usually opt for less work when ever I can. Lol
The Case 224 I got recently had a MF tiller with a Honda engine mounted on it to run the tiller. Fella had the engine a some sort of a slider so he could tighten and loosen the belt to turn the tiller on and off.

My suggestion is to sell it and get a self powered tow behind tiller like a Sears. It’s usually not too hard to find one that needs a new engine for cheap.
Thanks I have a couple of them and they are good tillers but what fun is it to use something that's ready and working?


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yet another topic in which very few folks agree with me BUT..... after owning a few pull type cultivators I will never use a tiller on a GT again.... an area that may take 2+ hours to rototill can be cultivated in about 20 minutes, the surface wont be as level but thats easy to fix with a small gang of harrows which may take another 10 minutes..... 1/4 of the time and 1/4 of the fuel... and far less chance of a breakdown in the future. I know you guys like to tinker and build stuff but I will usually opt for less work when ever I can. Lol
I do it both ways just depends on the soil conditions just last spring I used my digger and worked up the ground when I went to plant a week or so later the ground was so hard I could do nothing the digger wouldn't dig I got the tiller out and went over it a couple of times and go it nice and loose and plant other than no rain this summer . I watered every week and ended up with a good harvest
If you took the 45 degree gearbox off Gary, and mounted a pulley there for a belt to the engine. Would that work ?

Thanks Noel I'll look at that option tomorrow, didn't do anything with it today just took a few pictures, got the winter cab and snowblower & rear tire chains on the Husqvarna and got it back out to my home its ready for winter
