Thinking today was my last snowblower of this winter


Senior Member
Had the Husky out and blew snow away from the house just a few minutes ago snow is really wet and grainy but was able to make a couple of pass's next to the house to get the snow away so as it melts it won't run down the basement wall and leak into the basement. It kind of fun to work in 46*F weather
I do around the house all winter. Reasons are. I have to make a path to the propane tank. Drivers nowadays won’t fill tank unless they can get to it safely. When I was doing that job, use to have to take a shovel to find the tank. We can get a lot of rain thru the winter, so helps keep water out of the basement in winter and spring. Gives access to fireman if needed, and easy way for us to getaway from the burning house. Helps keep mice away from the house, they don’t like open spaces. And ya, some times I like the extra seat time.

I got everything taken off the tractors (except the Roper) so I'm hoping no more snow this year. Grass is greening up bit. Even got some bleeding hearts coming along with some weeds..
Looked on the calender and seen I mowed April 11 th of last year. So won't be long..