Transaxle flush?


Senior Member
Hello all,

Was curious as to how/what you flush your transaxle with.

When I got my SS12, I drained the water from it, then filled it with 16 oz. of seafoam and the rest with 30w non detergent oil, then ran it with the rear tires off the ground for a bit, then drained that and filled it with SAE 30 non detergent oil and called it good. I figured I'd change it out in 6 months or so.

Just curious as to your methods.

Guess I should have added that I've heard of flushing with diesel, kerosene, and ATF fluid.
I guess another option since it's out is to break it open and do a more thorough cleaning...I can still get the transaxle gasket.

I guess when you break it down, do you think a flush with a solvent is good enough, or should I split the case and give it a good cleaning? Do I want to split it? No, I'd really just like to go the solvent route, but if it's something I should do, then I'll do it.

Hopefully to answer a few questions, I'm replacing all of the oil seals and the rubber on the shifter while it's out.
Well, I emailed the people at seafoam just to see what they said, and it pretty much follows what I did since it uses a motor oil instead of gear lube. They said to put a can of the motor flush in it, top it off with the non detergent oil and run it for a few hours with no load. Once I'm satisfied it's clean, add 1 oz of seafoam per quart of oil and fill it up. He said the treatment can inhibit moisture and rust to exposed parts during storage.

Since it's on the bench, once I replace the oil seals(missing one), I'll put a can in it, top it off with oil, and I have a worm gear motor that turns slow, I'll put a belt on it and let it run for a while and see what it looks like.

I don't know if anything he said is true, but I've used their products enough to trust him.
Draining and refilling the rear likely is as much as you need, what little residue left behind should not be a problem.
He pretty much said you can't destroy those old gearboxes unless you run them dry for a long time.
Well you can. My buddy used to pull Sears for years until he blew 3 of them apart in one year, now he pulls with Cubs.
I've also heard a few stories of then cracking cause they got water in them, but not the norm. They are pretty good transaxle, the mud mower groups really love the 633's