Want to bolt a starter motor onto my 1959 Country Squire / Power King / Economy


New Member
Hi everyone! I'm Walter. I live in Colorado and have a 1959 Country Squire that doesn't like to start on cold snowy mornings when I need it most. Anyone know of a bolt-on electric starter motor kit? Pulling that cord get's old. Thanks!

Update: A little more googling turned up an interesting option. Golf carts have starters that double as alternators. So while I prefer not to rob the engine of a bit of power by turning the alt, my issue of not having a toothed flywheel isn't really an issue anymore. I can just spin the crank with a belt to the main pulley-set, and then let the engine spin the alt to recharge the battery. 2 birds = 1 stone. I'll post pics when I'm done. Hope it spins fast enough!
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Welcome aboard Walter. Like Lance mentioned the starter/generator would be your best choice. They can be had occasionally but can be in the $100. range. I think I have three that I use regularly that have the s/g. Here are a few pics of one on a 16hp Briggs to get an idea on how you could mount one.
Just be sure to get correct rotation starter/generator. If putting engine pulley on flywheel side you'll need one that spins CW, if engine pulley placed on crank output side you'll need CCW. The rotation can't easily be changed as it takes new field coils, etc.
Hi Walter welcome to the group, looking at your picture it looks like a Wisconsin engine, PK/ Country Squire used a starter / generator for the Wisconsin and B&S engine in those model years, I have a 58 CS with the Starter/generator and it works good.
