Welcome to Husky mowing!


Hi board!
My name is David, I recently was given a Husqvarna GT48DXLS-CARB, which ended up having a 3 bagger system and a Husky trailer.
I got a call from a real estate agent I know, she said, "do you want a free mower?"
Now, I have been bitten by the "Free" bug before, so I was a bit hesitant. "Uh, yes?"
She said its from this estate she sold and the new owner wants the mower gone, then she said it was from a subdivision near us that has very expensive estates.
When I heard that, I said "Yes!"
My first Husqvarna is my Husky 65 chainsaw, my first purchase out of high school
I have a Husky pushmower and string trimmer now, and a safer chainsaw.
We drove up to the house and there it was. Bagger, trailer, GT with 121 hours.
not indoor storage, but a car port.
Believe me, I got it out of there quickly!
It has the Kawasaki FR930V, but smoked like a diesel on startup, ran great after the initial burn off.
I hoped it was a stuck ring or something easy.
I don't think the poor thing had any maintenance.
First oil change was black, as I expected, but so was the second. Air filter was filthy, about as bad as I have seen them.
Plugs were oily of course, but even compression, about 110.
Runs great.
I ended up changing the valve stem seals, and a great deal of the smoking went away. I have movies, if interested.
I heard this was a normal thing for fixed Kawasaki engines, but I love the engine, its very well designed.
It smokes for about the first 15-20 seconds, especially if choke is out, then clears up for the rest of the day. Smokes on startup if warm, but much less.
I do still have to look in the carb, it seems ok, runs great. If it ain't broke...
Now I found GT48DXLSs post on the Tuff Torq trans, so I am going to check that.
I sold my '92 Craftsman GT6000, sniff. That was a gnarly beast. I hope that was not a mistake!
I had it 7 years, and a lot of mowing.
Welcome to the forum. I wouldn’t worry about the smoke as it might keep decreasing as it’s worked, especially if the air filter was as bad as you say it was. I’m not familiar with that engine but it might be worth while to see if the crankcase ventilation is working properly. Good luck with the new mower!
Welcome to the forum. I wouldn’t worry about the smoke as it might keep decreasing as it’s worked, especially if the air filter was as bad as you say it was. I’m not familiar with that engine but it might be worth while to see if the crankcase ventilation is working properly. Good luck with the new mower!
Crankcase hose pulses, I think that is what they are supposed to do, not obstructed. I checked that right off.
I have 20 hours on it now, it is getting better.
Welcome to the forum.

As you found, we have a member who has written several long threads on his issues. Hopefully you don't get anybody these, but good information.

My newest tractor is a 1982 ;)
My home mower is shared with my son, it's a 2014 Scag Vride stand on, he uses it for residential mowing also.