Kubota T1600 HST issues

Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

Staff member
My neighbor has a T1600 with the 2 cylinder diesel. It's a great small lawn tractor but he's been having issues with it shutting down while mowing. It takes a few seconds to go from high idle to dying. It's not quick like cutting the fuel off. He has changed the fuel filter and it's not over heating. I'm not familiar with Kubotas enough to know what's going on. I can't find any info online as far as a service manual or parts manual. It will start back up after cranking for 15- 20 seconds like it's loosing prime on the fuel system.

Anyone have any ideas what the cause could be?

Photo off the net for reference.
Sounds like either his fuel pump is faulty, or possibly something in tank blocking the outlet? I have heard that some Kubota models have 2 fuel filters, so he may have another filter he's not aware of. There is often the one at the engine with the see through glass, but some have another near the back at the frame rail.
Sounds like either his fuel pump is faulty, or possibly something in tank blocking the outlet? I have heard that some Kubota models have 2 fuel filters, so he may have another filter he's not aware of. There is often the one at the engine with the see through glass, but some have another near the back at the frame rail.

Thanks Daniel, I was wondering if it might have a second fuel filter. I guess I need to go by the dealership and see if I can find out if it does have a second fuel filter. I didn't think about something floating around in the tank blocking the fuel outlet. I'll check that out. Thanks!
We had an issue like that with our church Grasshopper with a 3Cyl Kubota. Sometimes it would just start losing power and over 5-6 secs would die.
I finally figured out that there a blockage in the intake tube of the fuel tank, it's ran great ever since I cleaned it.
Maybe he's got a line blockage too somewhere or if he has a screen in the tank clogged.
Just went through that with my 1512 Cub with the d600 Kubota diesel. Was junk in the tank that would float over to the pickup and partially block off fuel supply. Haven't run it a lot since cleaning the tank but hoping I got it. I didn't pull the pickup valve out of the tank as they can be hard to seal again so not sure if it is just an open tube or a filter screen, or a screen that has been removed in years past.

That 2 cyl probably does have 2 filters as mine does. One is just a standard fuel filter before the fuel pump. Second is the paper element type filter between the pump and the injector pump. $8 for the main filter.