ATV issue


I'm working on a polaris outlaw 50. I took the carb apart , ran it thru my commercial ultrasonic cleaner then I put it together with a rebuild kit. After I got back on it will idle but when giving throttle it backfires and bog down. I took it back apart clean it again still nothing so I checked the valves they was both at 0.02 and I check the ohms of the coil which read good. Compression is 150psi. Any ideas what else it could be ?
I had one in my shop once that was doing something similar. After pulling most of my hair out it worked fine, then didn't. Ended up it ran fine with the headlights on. Some more testing and it worked fine with the charging system disconnected.

Bottom line - the voltage regulator was bad. Voltage was going high (without lights) causing the ignition module to flake out. I think the one I worked on was a Honda but it might be worth disconnecting the charging system and see if it makes a difference.
Is that oil injected, most of the quads I owned over the years went thru plugs. Try a fresh ngk
Yes, sounds like an oil fouled plug to me too.
No oil on the plug and it a new plug

I had one in my shop once that was doing something similar. After pulling most of my hair out it worked fine, then didn't. Ended up it ran fine with the headlights on. Some more testing and it worked fine with the charging system disconnected.

Bottom line - the voltage regulator was bad. Voltage was going high (without lights) causing the ignition module to flake out. I think the one I worked on was a Honda but it might be worth disconnecting the charging system and see if it makes a difference.
I was thinking it could be electrical on this one maybe the stator could be causing it since the coil tested good.

Wore out?
This one is in rough shape the guy got it from free. What made it worse this unit only has the polaris name it not made by them
I wouldn't be putting much time into a word out free polaris 50 unless it's something simple. If he's looking for cheap kids quad those knock off 125cc you can get new for around a grand
I wouldn't be putting much time into a word out free polaris 50 unless it's something simple. If he's looking for cheap kids quad those knock off 125cc you can get new for around a grand
Problem is this customer brings in alot of money into my shop but I can't spend much more time on it cause I'm losing money.
Pulled the new plug and it is black so it running rich. I wonder if it the coil I tested it but don't mean my reading was right or the new needle seat and needle is junk
So I'm working on a new theory that the rev limiter might be bad so I ordered a new cdi and coil to try. It idles fine just won't rev up. We will see if this don't work I have officially ran out of things to check
ATVs all depend on the owner.

Maintenance and cleaning makes a huge difference.

I've had a dozen atvs over the years and never suffered a mechanical failure that wasn't normal maintenance or self created. I'd ride with guys who never did a single bit of maintenance and then sit and complain when they blew a belt, threw a chain, lost bearings, ect. Then they would proceed to blame the machine.

Have you investigated the etc? It limits throttle by retarding timing and would make it act as you described by severely lowering the Rev limit.

Replacing the CDI box might fix it as well.
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I just love how some people think that you can wave magic wand and "free" ran the piss out of atv will run like new again. Do the guy a favor and junk it, especially being it's a 50cc, and his kids are riding it, something breaks on it and they get hurt, you will be the first one he sues
ATVs all depend on the owner.

Maintenance and cleaning makes a huge difference.

I've had a dozen atvs over the years and never suffered a mechanical failure that wasn't normal maintenance or self created. I'd ride with guys who never did a single bit of maintenance and then sit and complain when they blew a belt, threw a chain, lost bearings, ect. Then they would proceed to blame the machine.

Have you investigated the etc? It limits throttle by retarding timing and would make it act as you described by severely lowering the Rev limit.

Replacing the CDI box might fix it as well.
I replaced the cdi with one that amazon said was for it today and the thing fried when I hooked it up so I got to go oem but it hard to spend that kind
money on a hunch. Also a dealer told me they usually replace the carbs on those because they was a bad design.
Going way back I had a kx80 bike that had similar issues were it idled fine but had no power. Here it was the exhaust muffler/spark arrestor was clogged up, ran like a champ after a new one.
Not going to harp on it but again all the dirt bikes and atvs I had and I will say it again use a good new ngk plug with the correct gap.