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  1. MH81


    Had to work it, no way in hell no was.fonna shop afterward
  2. MH81

    Best Chain saw brand

    I'll try to do that next week when I'm back up there
  3. MH81

    Best Chain saw brand

    On both of ours, the adjustment was on the bottom, about centered. Iirc
  4. MH81

    Voltage rectifier getting hot

    Best thing to do is to put a current meter inline with the lights.
  5. MH81

    Best Chain saw brand

    My Dad had a poulan that he replaced with a stihl 036 about 20 years ago It's still running and probably our fastest saw. The year before he passed away, he bought a steel 261. It was the latest chainsaw that had a compression release for easier starting. As for buying a stihl or not, I wouldn't...
  6. MH81

    Looking for help

    Several manufacturers make a snowblower that you use while going backwards. They aren't for stiff necks, but they work well and you can have the loader on at the same time.
  7. MH81

    Covid is no match for Hot Toddy number 3

    Covid is no match for Hot Toddy number 3
  8. MH81

    What are you currently working on??

    Got several tractors put away and winterized Need to reorganize the lower garage, but they're in there
  9. MH81

    Tuff Torq K66 on Caron machine workshop manual

    Yep, that's it. I have found tuff torque to be a company you can call and get info. Just like hydrogear seems to be.
  10. MH81

    Tractor comes home.

    Glad she found her way home
  11. MH81

    Lighting the way

    Not exactly a standard attachment, but something I intend to have hanging near my tractors as part of a serious display. Near as I can figure by research, it's from '64
  12. MH81

    Jeep liberty v8 project.

    Glad you were able to find it a new owner, never did see pictures of it though.
  13. MH81

    Sears ST/16 with a Predator (now Kohler)engine

    I have seen a couple of tractors with a quarter inch plate under the engine period studs welded to the plate for the original engine holes, and bolted to the plate where the new engine holes needed to be.
  14. MH81

    1967 Suburban 10 plus Sicklebar mower

    By the way, that sickle bar is the first generation made by Sears. After that model, they were made by haban. The Sears sickle bars have two minor flaws. No breakaway if you hook onto something, it can cause catastrophic failure And the other is it's only good for about five degrees of...
  15. MH81

    1967 Suburban 10 plus Sicklebar mower

    Oh, those are both pretty. That's 67 has survived very well.
  16. MH81

    Was there an engineer ON this project?

    Very similar, but this one has a support rod that goes back down to the frame behind the post. That would transfer a lot of weight back into the frame and provide a lot of structure
  17. MH81

    Just what I need, More GT's

    Rescue and storage fees can add up pretty quick when accrued daily lol Nice couple of saves. Sorry to hear about yet another business on its way out, looks like there'll be an opening in town for someone with small engine skills
  18. MH81

    Sears Engine (Happy Birthday to Me)

    I had it running. Well. And then, nothing. Barely a tickle It is.making a tiny spark, but really small. No longer making a spark at the points. Can't find any shorts, had it apart twice, about to either retrofit a system or send this out. You had a name of a.guy, once. Still have the number?
  19. MH81

    Sears ST/16 with a Predator (now Kohler)engine

    I think that the biggest pulley you can put on a Tecumseh is a 7. Bigger and it hits the frame. Basically, on that machine, it' of the output ro the frame, less a half inch. You could.measure.the two engines and see what would fit.
  20. MH81

    Sears Engine (Happy Birthday to Me)

    Spark keeps disappearing. I thought I had it, then gone. Then weak, then 1/4"... Not.beat yet. Maybe I'll try a battery ignition temporarily