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  1. MH81

    My Plan Z

    Wow, lots of adjustment there
  2. MH81

    Made someone's week

    Really it was just sweet. my dad may have bought that tractor in 1989, but he sure would have gotten a kick out of the fact that it ended up back on its original homestead owned by the grandson of one of the original owners. It's not new, it's going to need work, but this guy is just happier...
  3. MH81

    Made someone's week

    Last weekend, a gentleman stopped to see my mom and ask her if we owned a massey-harris 20. He was looking for his grandfather's tractor, and tracked down the owner who had it before us. That gentleman said that he had sold it to my family. Through the week, we made contact and I arranged a...
  4. MH81

    Wanted Testing Wanted: Summer Tire Air

    it depends on if you're using burps or farts. One is heavier than air, and the other one is lighter than air.
  5. MH81

    What are you currently working on??

    Ryan came out and we got the transmission back in the Suburban 12. It's been sitting for 3 months.
  6. MH81

    Has anyone ever seen one of these?

    Mine is a hydro, so infinite speed control and rapid fwd-rev The axel on mine is not Sears. It's off a 300 series JD and has 2" of forward sweep. HUGE difference in capabilities. I have 2 sets of weights on the rear plus another 400# behind the axel. The rig with me but without a load is...
  7. MH81

    Has anyone ever seen one of these?

    Second generation Sears auto-leveling front end loader. Manufactured by Kwik way. Really nice find. It is a phenomenal tool, and possibly more useful than my left arm
  8. MH81

    Longing for Tractor Pulls

    Agreed. If you are hi on the list of targeted health issues, or are uncomfortable with going out, then please stay home and take care of yourself. Those who are less likely to catch it or are less concerned should be allowed to have the event. At the Ohio show, they allowed for both in-person...
  9. MH81

    Roll call

    Who the heck are you?
  10. MH81

    Longing for Tractor Pulls

    Nope. You have a long list of #metoo people there. The week before the Portersville Steam Engine show (think about all the expenditures that happened right up to the last week of a show. Drinks, grounds care, caution tape, vendors, exhibitors, etc) and our "Governor" decided that covid isn't an...
  11. MH81

    15 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, HELP!!!

    The few times I've had to wing it, I've just guessed. You can contact @Bolens 1000 here or Bolens parts and supplies website (on Facebook he is Brian Bolens.)
  12. MH81

    15 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, HELP!!!

    I believe that's the way Briggs parts lookups work. It's a PITA, IMHO. I have three Briggs engines and every one of them pulls this crap. One of them I can't even look up the right series, so it's a huge guessing game. Took me two hours to figure out the right head gasket. It love a quiet...
  13. MH81

    Back into Gt's with a GT6000

    I can't believe it was 10 years ago It is still in use today, and the only thing that has happened to it is the fuel pump failed. Here is a link to the other place, where the record of its repair and the attempt at finding one still resides...
  14. MH81

    Spark Plug Cross Reference

    Thank you Kenny
  15. MH81

    How much is a 1968 Massey Ferguson 7 worth?

    About 6 years ago, I bought one in running condition with a deck and snowblower for 150. The tractor and deck had been repainted.
  16. MH81

    Roll call

    People come and go. They take breaks and come back. Facebook, but that has limitations, etc. I know a couple people who have gotten out of the hobby, but still stop by here periodically to check on their friends... A few have passed.
  17. MH81

    Back into Gt's with a GT6000

    Great looking machine. There were two different sleeve hitch assembly available for that. One was integral and worked off the mower lift lever, and one that was self contained and mounted on the rear plate. The latter is reminiscent of the old Sears three-point in design, except it uses a sleeve...
  18. MH81

    Back into Gt's with a GT6000

    If it's a hydro GT6k, tell him to keep an eye on the input pulley. If they loosen, they will destroy themsekves... NLA and nothing after market.
  19. MH81

    Roll call

    North West PA waving back
  20. MH81

    I have a friend that needs a little case help

    I sent him the previous message, but if he didn't find any there, I'll let him know.