Looks like you may have used the new JD Ag Green, or is it the Classic Green that came out on the 210? The new Ag Green is brighter and in my opinion a prettier flashy paint. Either way she's looking fantastic!
Yes, the Courage single was junk! Twin cams that often snap in two! I have two CC 1040's I can make one runner to sell if I had time. One has broken camshaft and other had caught fire, but just melted some engine plastic. One deck is std v belt and other one has timed deck with tooth belt...
The last few days I've cut my smokes by about half. After a week or two I'll cut them down more, then eventually none. I have several patches left, but saving them for the very last and maybe get more. It's not been so hard cutting them by half, so maybe I can do this! If I tried cold...
49f in South Central Kentucky and supposed to get up to 56 in a couple hours. Dreary skies, but at least it's not raining. I sure could use a few sunny days!
Since posting this thread things have gotten even more complicated and not something I can post about for now. And yes, Teresa and I are fine and I'm not dying or anything like that. So for now the best I can do is plan for next year.
E-ciggs (and I've tried many brands) burn my lungs instantly, so not an option. I've cut my daily cigs in half, but in the next few days I plan to quit completely. It's not gonna be pretty, but I have to do it. If I was 80 years old I'd just keep smoking, but the writing is on the wall very...
If it's automatic compression release then the problem could be the exhaust valve clearance is too wide and either partially or fully negates the compression relief.
I hate having to announce this, but I won't be able to get my disc repaired in time to smooth the fields as I am covered up with repair work. Not just due to the amount of repairs, but also due to not feeling good these days. My COPD has gotten worse, and can't get hardly any work accomplished...
Years ago we took down two houses and I know very well how much work is involved. Pulling the 20 penny nails with a crowbar from framework sure was fun!
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