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  1. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I have a couple old JD 110's. Both with TEC engines though, and one engine a rusty basket case as when I got it. Had a bad coil assembly, but other engine still has spark! Plus I have a NOS Solid State coil! The one without engine has the OE hydraulic pump deck lift I will likely sell...
  2. olcowhand

    Hay Season 2023

    While I have plenty pasture for cattle, the extra work involved with cattle is just more than I care to take on. Fencing is all but gone, and hay equipment needs lots of work. Being I can make extra money in my shop, that's all I want to do. I let my crop renting guy take hay off it for just...
  3. olcowhand

    Hay Season 2023

    Cjet, before I was born, Dad did small square bale custom baling on top of his 101 acre farming duties. He continued custom baling until around 1979 just before we went bigger with our own farms. He baled about 70,000 bales per year the last few years at 25 cents per bale when some charged...
  4. olcowhand

    Wire Wheel For My Bench Grinder

    I have a wire wheel setup still at old shop that is exceptionally soft. It doesn't lose wires that I've noticed and the wires are so delicate that I can actually polish aluminum and brass without ANY marks left on the metal. I can even press my thumb on it and doesn't leave a mark at all...
  5. olcowhand

    Brinley Cultivator Mods

    You can get 20" sweeps, 1/4" thick, but $33 each plus shipping!
  6. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Once things dry up here, it's gonna be mowing time here too, but not sure when. Gotta go pick up a dead hydro Grasshopper tomorrow. Taking my 20' tilt trailer with Kubota BX with forks on loader to scoop under the deck, cinched down and drive it as one unit onto the trailer.
  7. olcowhand

    Chainsaw with broken points arm

    Dang boy, are all those logs at your place? Tons and tons of firewood there! If you can cover it from the weather looks to be enough for a few years!
  8. olcowhand

    New Spray Bombs

    If we needed that, how have we ever done great paint jobs without it! Yes, useless!
  9. olcowhand

    John Deere 60 repairs

    Always a nervous time no matter how well you know you did the work, as even brand new parts can fail. Wishing you the best!
  10. olcowhand

    Kohler fuel pump kits

    I just stuck this thread so easily found now.
  11. olcowhand

    Auction buys

    Been 40 years since I seen a wind up starter engine! You will never regret moving your loader to a foot control hydro!!
  12. olcowhand


    Gonna be a muddy run today!
  13. olcowhand

    149 cub cadet pto issues

    The 3 Allen set screws if as should be, there are another 3 under those. The outer ones just lock the inner ones in place. The inner 3 are pointed to lock the pointy ends behind the clutch bearing on crank. Once you get all 6 out, then with a little effort the clutch will come off.
  14. olcowhand

    Mowing Etiquette

    On the weekend I would say 9am as a safe bet not to wake anyone sleeping in.
  15. olcowhand

    Ford daily driver.

    I keep vehicles so long that resale value is an after-thought! I haven't had a Chevy since my 1980 K5 Blazer 4WD which had the worst problem of all my vehicles, but still not bad....just had to have trans rebuilt, and didn't cost me but $150 as I took it out and reinstalled it. But those days...
  16. olcowhand

    Ford daily driver.

    Me too, as this is a list of parts excepting wear and tear parts from my 86 F250 4 spd 4WD (owned 14 years) fan clutch, rear brake line 97 F2504WD (owned 13-14yrs) fan clutch, rear brake line, rt ft caliper. And now mine of 5 years, 08 F250 super duty 4WD, only a fuel rail pressure sensor ($40)...
  17. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    VERY nice work on the stones! They will be proud looking down on their fine stones! Lift sure has worked out well!
  18. olcowhand

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Finally removed the backhoe off my BX Kubota yesterday and got the 3 point hitch back on. Mounted the quick hitch, then hooked to my 48" tiller. This time I'm loosening the clutch till she slips to make sure it's clutch disc is not rust locked. Just got 2" of rain, so no garden tilling...
  19. olcowhand

    Bypassing Fuel Shut Off Solenoid

    I save all the fuel bowl bolts off junk carbs without solenoids just for this purpose.
  20. olcowhand

    Winter Battery Storage

    Mine stay in until replacement time, or required to service unit. I used to have a LOT of stuff with batteries and then and now, if not used regularly, once a month they each get slow charged.