Yesterday I spent all day at a large consignment auction, there were 2 auction rings running most of the day. Quite a few items I was interested when higher than what I was willing to pay and some stuff went real cheap. I mainly was interested in MF7 they had which included mowing deck and snowblower.
The tractor was all original, the front trim ring was fully intact. I do not know if it ran or not. It did have 3 of the 4 hub caps on the wheels.
. It went for $300, I did not bring it home for that price.
I did end of with a pick up bed full of projects for $25. A walk behind JD 2 stage snow blower with tire chains
. Also air operated grease gun with 5 gal grease bucket. A MF 1450 with no engine
and deck, but it does have the rear PTO attachment. I do not know what shape the belt drive sprockets are on the deck. I have not decided if I am going to part this tractor out or put and engine in it and getting it running. With the foot control hydro I am thinking or moving taking my loader off of my MF14 and installing on this 1450 if i can get it running. The last thing i picked up was a Montgomery wards walk behind mover.
This mover does not have a standard rope pull start, it has a fold over crank start on the B&S engine
. Todays fun will be unloading the truck.

I did end of with a pick up bed full of projects for $25. A walk behind JD 2 stage snow blower with tire chains