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  1. Cat385B

    Gas Can Nozzles *#%^!

    Those are weird gas cans. The only two types I know of are JustRite and Eagle.
  2. Cat385B

    Bolens 1886-04 Starter Replacement

    Plan on using an appliance fan for a replacement? I seem to remember a specific one being a good substitute for the Bolens LF.
  3. Cat385B

    What does this do ?>

    Implement lift and down rod stop.
  4. Cat385B

    Saw these dodge trucks.

    What was the 50’s fancy cab model called? Lighthouse? Pilot Cab?
  5. Cat385B

    Saw this today. !

    One ton with the 9’ box is rare around here. Was the long box available on the lighter trucks?
  6. Cat385B

    Picked up a Simplicity 3415H

    Yep, 415/416. They flipped the grille over on the A/C models. I had a Homelite version of the 415.
  7. Cat385B

    Picked up a Simplicity 3415H

    Yikes, my old nemesis, an updraft Briggs carb. Hydro is a Vickers T66x.
  8. Cat385B

    MF 1450

    Posts relocated to proper thread.
  9. Cat385B

    Cub Cadet 1862 coming up on Farm Equipment auction

    Buffalo Trace neat if I have to work the next day, mixed with RC or 7up on the weekend.
  10. Cat385B

    Hill Top adventures

    EPA may ban cocoa mining…..
  11. Cat385B

    Hill Top adventures

    I will stock up first thing tomorrow morning.
  12. Cat385B

    A few things from work

    At least when you’re stacking those bales ya don’t get all itchy.
  13. Cat385B

    Morning dinner pictures

    Never got that 45 gallon fuel tank for my ‘84 K5 Blazer. Don’t know how I ever made it anywhere….
  14. Cat385B

    A few things from work

    Updated. Public Player It’s finally starting to shrink.
  15. Cat385B

    I have no idea..! Check it out.

    There is a lot going on there.
  16. Cat385B

    An older work horse today.

    You can’t see the rust, but it is obviously there. The plow fell off.
  17. Cat385B

    3 point bucket

    Cat 1.
  18. Cat385B

    An AMC for Noel!

    Did 70’s have the same hood as the ‘69’s, or the long sheet like the ‘71’s?
  19. Cat385B

    A few things from work

    Updated: Public Player We now have a tracked skid, a D5, three Cat 336’s, and two Cat 349’s on site. Two with tooth buckets, (one with a thumb) two with processors, and one with a NPK hammer. Loaded another 5 highside trailers of rebar today, 2500 yards of dirt, and 1,000 yards of rubble. All...