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  1. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    My original trailer brake controller finally died. Power in, no power out. New unit is a Tekonsha P3, it is a proportional unit. I hardly ever use a trailer with brakes, I don’t own one. But I plan on upgrading the axle on my utility trailer and it will have brakes. So I was checking out my...
  2. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Nice and sunny here, so I tossed the tires outside and got busy. New tires on my Honda 4 wheeler today. Old: New:
  3. Cat385B

    Homemade Cub Cadet Grader!!!

    I always thought it would be easier to make a reel scraper, a copy of a Cat 613.
  4. Cat385B

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    More snow yesterday. More snow this morning. Life is good.
  5. Cat385B

    Looks like a 240 MF but it says,,,,

    Pretty low production #’s on the Jacobsen badged units, I would guess.
  6. Cat385B

    Anyone have a GC1723 Massey Ferguson ?

    I finally got my rears loaded with RimGuard last week. I went to just short of 150 pounds per wheel. Cost was just under $100. No more needing 4wd to back uphill on glare ice.
  7. Cat385B

    New old guy

    Better late than never, Gary.
  8. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    I run just over half throttle. Anything over that and I’m putting snow on the road or the neighbor’s. Test with the loaded tires went well. Sloped areas I had an issue backing out of without 4wd are no longer a problem.
  9. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Got the rims back. Very heavy, about to go blow out the shed drive and paths to check it out. Also refueled for the first time. Just over 1/4 tank left, took 4.5 gallons to fill. It was filled with 1.6 hours on it, it now has 11.1 on it.
  10. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Day 1 of ‘too cold to report to work’. Already, the wheels have fallen off: Took them off, broke the bead and replaced the valve stems with metal ones. Then hauled to town to get loaded with beet juice. Should come back 100 pounds heavier, each.
  11. Cat385B

    All set for storm tomorrow

    You lucky son of a
  12. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Finally got the 12v socket/usb/volt meter mounted. I have a bit of run time on it so far, the box my BIL made on his 3D printer is holding up fine.
  13. Cat385B

    What are you currently working on??

    Did the yearly on the wheeler. 1999 Honda Foreman 400, full time 4x4 with manual shift and reverse. Need to replace a few plastic panel plugs, needs new tires, and (the most dreaded) the front brakes are soft again. The bleeding procedure for these I think was invented during WWII in a prisoner...
  14. Cat385B

    FEL Loader picture thread

    It has to be curled up slightly, or I have scoot ahead slightly.
  15. Cat385B

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    We got a few inches of snow yesterday. It was 17* out when I headed out this morning. All went well, the actuator never froze up or got stuck. I did have one instance where I went into a previously un-blown area. The high volume going thru the chute opened the actuator back up without hitting...
  16. Cat385B

    FEL Loader picture thread

    Massey GC1723e w/ FL1805 loader: (ssqa) 48” bucket, 42” pallet forks, and a receiver hitch plate for moving trailers.
  17. Cat385B

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Finally finished the actuator.
  18. Cat385B

    My grandfather's truck

    Started life as a 4.3? Don’t see many of those.
  19. Cat385B

    12v Joystick wiring and installation

    That’s what I found also, using relays costs about double. Switch is $15, and I’m out the $10 I spent on this joystick.