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  1. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    ET2 2019

    Boy Doug, it should pull well. Is the 775 without any added weight? Does any of your clubs have lighter weight classes? Good looking Massey!
  2. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Adding pulse pump to Kohler motor

    Marty, the pump Daniel is talking about is a low pressure/ low volume pump and I've used them several times also and never had a flooding issue either.
  3. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Got Another Freebie!

    Should be a money maker for sure!:thumbs: Nice job.
  4. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Picked up a 1967 Power King today

    Was it a work barge that sank Ryan? Hope you all were able to salvage all your equipment. @Ryan313
  5. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Running a Water Line.

    I ended up going to a friend's house and trenching his sprinkler lines in that evening. Cut 5 more trench's for about 300 feet. Got 2 jobs out of one 24hr rental period.
  6. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Picked up a 1967 Power King today

    That a good looking Economy Ryan. I bet you'll have it up and running in no time.
  7. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Gas Tank Liner

    @4getgto I usually put several sharp rocks and a few steel nuts. Then I strap it inside the rim of one of my Gts back tires and go mow or something like that. It really knocks the rust loose and usually gets the rust out of the bottom of any pits in the steel.
  8. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    2004 F450 6.0 head gasket

    Hey Ryan, nice job and taking the cab off makes it so much easier. Did you do any of the upgrades that make the 6.0 as bulletproof as the 7.3? Nutndun has a 6.0 that he did a lot of upgrades to and is very happy with it. @NUTNDUN
  9. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Mulching mower converson

    Lowell, very nice job. Your lawn will actually be healthier and the ground will hold moisture better during the dry times in summer by mulching. I've been trying to do a better job of mulching down here in Texas to save from watering in the hot summer months. I'll bet it works great for you.
  10. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    E12 Puller

    As far as multiple locomotives go, the RR uses the middle and back end engines to keep slack out of the long trains to help with accidental un-couples during transit according to a friend of mine who's a UP Engineer. The forward engines are actually not pulling the entire train.
  11. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Running a Water Line.

    Customer wanted a new water line run from they're place to they're son's new place. He can't afford to connect to the main yet, 4,500.00 to drop a meter in:mad:! So rented a new walk behind Ditch Witch trencher and got the trench cut in this morning at just over 400 feet. When he saves up enough...
  12. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Not Mine Elec-trak welder

    @dh1 Doug, that not too far from you is it?
  13. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Kohler K241 help needed!

    Glad you got it back together Chris. Be careful with the PTO belt being so close to the muffler. Those mufflers are made to fit between the front of the engine and the grill under the hood and exhaust on the flywheel side of the engine. Just an FYI buddy. @Cvans
  14. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Solar powered garden tractor

    Hey Doug, how long does it take to charge those batteries back up after you discharge them mowing with the solar panels? It a great idea.
  15. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Identify Wheel Horse

    I would also, it doesn't cost anything to offer a lower number.
  16. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Other PA Plowday

    It's only on if you use it.
  17. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Other PA Plowday

    Ever wonder why those green tractors always have to have added weights on their plows? I've plowed lots of different types of soil and never had to have weight on the plow if it was set up properly. Just asking.:thumbs:
  18. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    New to me MF12G

    You done good for sure. The weights, hitch and muffler shield are worth what you gave for the whole tractor!
  19. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Hill Top adventures

    Wow, that's great Shorty! Thank GOD it's over for y'all.
  20. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Identify Wheel Horse

    No sir, I s not a 4x4. Someone must have thought it was cool with it on the hood. If you can get the model number, we can tell what it actually is.