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  1. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Crafstman GT18 Fuel pump

    I looks to me like there's a break of cut it the diaphram at the bottom left of the circle? If it has a small hole or cut, it won't pump.
  2. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Finished potatoe planting !!!!

    Wow Noel, that ground sure worked up nice a fluffy. I take it you have 2 places with gardens then?
  3. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Got Another Freebie!

    Kenny, does the deck disengage now like it should with the proper length belt on it?
  4. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Identify Wheel Horse

    It does appear to have the incorrect hood on it for a 72-73 model tractor. It has the early square hood on it. Good luck.
  5. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Identify Wheel Horse

    I'd say you it's a 1972 Raider "8"or a 1973 "8 SPEED 8" That's the only 8hp model that was available with a 8 speed trans. And that's only if everything is original to the tractor. This is similar to what the ID tag should look like. It's either on the left side, flywheel side of the steering...
  6. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    New addition

    Good deal Adam!
  7. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Got Another Freebie!

    Looks like another money maker for Kenny! Free is always better than cash.:thumbs:
  8. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Help with a John Deere 425

    Reed, I'd check the deck to make sure you don't have spindle locked up also check the mule drive. It's not a safety switch if the PTO comes on and lugs the engine down and kills it. IMO
  9. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Other Sugarcreek Show May 11th

    Where is this show at, what state and town?
  10. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Other PA Plowday

    George is still around and probably would have gone but was in Texas seeing his son graduate from the Air Force Basic training last weekend.
  11. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    I hate roll pins

    I have a set of roll pin punches that I use. I have had to use a cut off wheel and cut the pin off flush with the shaft or bolt. Usually the heat generated by cutting the pin off will also break the rust bond and let you drive the remaining roll pin out.
  12. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Badlands 5000# winch repairs

    Kenny, I think it'll work fine as long as you're not trying to drag a couple thousand pounds up on the trailer. I really like the idea of using rope because you don't have to worry about it breaking and whipping if it does snap.
  13. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Kohler K241 help needed!

    Chris, here's the pans that's shown in the manual that Kenny uploaded. Thanks Kenny. I had a thread at the other place about the differences.
  14. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Kohler K241 help needed!

    Chris, I just went to the the "What are you working on" thread and looked at your photo of the pan you have. That appears to be a QAS engine if I remember correctly. That engine uses the same pan as the JD Kohler's used. The WH should have had a wide flanged pan. I can't find a photo if the...
  15. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Kohler K241 help needed!

    Can you post a picture of the pan you have Chris? I'm not quite understanding what you are saying you have and what you need.
  16. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Getting a mower lift!

    I wonder why you couldn't use 2 of them and lift the whole tractor and not have anything under the tractor?
  17. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Hill Top adventures

    What size was the Cockshut, looks like a 30 or 35?
  18. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Badlands 5000# winch repairs

    It will stretch only so far, then it won't!! :thumbs::D:rolleyes::cool:;) Couldn't help myself Kenny!
  19. Texas Horses Hogs and Deeres

    Brought Home a Farmall H

    Back in the day that was a great farm tractor that was overlooked by many.