Kohler K241 help needed!


Senior Member
This engine came as a replacement in a WH renegade 8. Unfortunately it has the deep sump oil pan and they had to shim it up in order to mount it. I need to convert this to a shallow pan. If I can find one is it a bolt on replacement? I would notch the frame but the steering shaft would be in the way.
Thanks for your help.
You should be able to find a shallow pan that will bolt on but dont forget to check for clearance for the lower bearing cap on the conn rod.... the fin hanging down may need to be shortened.
Chris, I just went to the the "What are you working on" thread and looked at your photo of the pan you have. That appears to be a QAS engine if I remember correctly. That engine uses the same pan as the JD Kohler's used. The WH should have had a wide flanged pan. I can't find a photo if the wheel horse pan but the block should look like this.


Found this is what your oil pan should look like for that series of WH tractor.


Hope this helps.
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dont forget to check for clearance for the lower bearing cap on the conn rod.... the fin hanging down may need to be shortened.
Thanks Lance. The dip stick might be different too.
Brian I appreciate your help. If they use a different block then I guess I'm stuck with what I have. As you can see in this photo my pan bolts on from the bottom. It worked before so I guess I'll leave it.
Thanks folks for your help.
Maybe it's still sitting in the shed collecting dust over there? Might he still have the old one around that you could Rob for parts?
Well it lives again. Haven't mowed with it yet but the engine, deck, and drive train sounds good so far. Even came with new blades. Going to have to reroute the throttle cable. Looking forward to mowing with it this week.
Thanks for all your help.
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Those mufflers are made to fit between the front of the engine and the grill under the hood
Your right but the fittings are wrong for that. If nothing else I'll put a pepper box on there. That and the throttle cable will need attention after making sure the Transaxle is in good working order. Should have it out on the lawn later today. I think as long as the belts are running the heat won't be a problem. I'll look at it again.
Thanks for the info guys.
Mowed with it and couldn't get the deck to quit scalping and then noticed the front latch had opened and the deck was just rolling on the ground. DUH! After fixing the latch it mowed good. Then when mowing a side hill it started starving for fuel. Have to look at it later as I think the Carb. is dirty. Other than that I think it's going to be a good mower.