Can you raise the fenders any? That look is so cool, and I bet it would really go well in swampy ground or fluffy snow.
And I really like the way those shorter tracks look, it would turn easier also.
Rick, I've seen some reel mowers at shows with a U-shaped piece of plastic on each blade to protect both the blades and anyone who might think it's a good idea to touch the blades.
Very nice job. I'm wondering if you might need a brace to keep the arm from flexing left and right when you're turning? It would have to be mounted on the same axis as the pivot point of the arm is, maybe under the tractor in the middle so you could use the same mount for both braces. Just...
If you have a vertical mill or even a good drill press you could drill through the bushing with an end mill bit to allow a longer set screw to get to the shaft. The other option is using a Dremel tool with a 1/8" burring bit to clean up the one half of the bushing covering the hole
Years ago we had a T-340 that looked just like this one. But the paint wasn't this nice and ours had the original 4 cylinder gasoline engine in it, not some repowered V-8.
Kenny, the turning brakes work on the 318, 332 and I don't remember if they still neutral return. Sorry I can't help and I'm still in NC so I can't check my 332.
I'd say it's more like 9' - 10' wife the way it sits. The tractor with duals on both sides has to be at least 5' and maybe almost 6' wide and that disk is a lot wider then the duals.
I'd also bet that the dual wheeled 4 X 4 tractor has trouble pulling it at full depth, that's a pot of disk to...
I started out with an old Pipe liner helmet 40 years ago similar to the one in the photo. Mine even has paint on it in about the same place.
Then I went to the first style Jackson battery operated Auto darkening helmet like the one pictured here in the early 2000's. One of my guys dropped a...
There's definitely a difference between chain brands. The market is flooded with cheap Chinese made chains and you have to be careful to buy a good quality chain. Roller chain is pretty forgiving on alignment as is V-belts. The worse thing on roller chain is wore out sprockets, they will destroy...
In my neighborhood where I live the typical price is around $75.00 for around a 1/4 acre lot with trimming and edging. They also do all the leaf gathering and landscape maintenance throughout the year at additional costs. There's one guy that does around 12 home on my street. That start at one...
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