Workin' on a Farmall


I brought this tractor home about a month ago and a couple weeks ago I pulled it into the shop with a HF winch. The tractor belongs to my cousin and he wants me to get it running for him. He also wanted me to get all of the sheet metal put back on and give it a good checking over. Hopefully things go well without to many surprises.

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The owner started a 12v conversion so I will need to complete that with a coil, VR, and wiring for the charging system. I had a coil from my parts 350 that still works and today I tested the alternator that came with the tractor and its good.

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Good project that will last a while. Cleaned up decent. Those HF winches are tough, but got to watch so the cable don't ride over the spool edge. I had that happen twice, second time had to replace the cable. Newer ones are not as bad for that but it can still happen, especially when using the remote. Red tractors are still my favorite color.
I made it out to the shop for a bit today. I found some material to make a bushing for the pivot bolt on the alternator bracket. It had a 1/2" pipe welded on and a 3/8" bolt thru it which allowed way to much slop. Now I need to address the tensioner bracket to get it lined up. I had to remove the fan and pulley to access the bolt that holds it in place. The bolt goes into the water jacket so I need to drain the coolant before pulling it out. Looks like I may need to get a longer belt also.

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A couple weeks back I tried to remove the bolts holding the fuel tank. They were really rusty and felt like they were going to break. I've been soaking them in ATF/Acetone every few days and today I tried them again. They all came out with a little working back and forth with out breaking any of them. Now I have good access to the gauges for wiring and can also clean out the fuel tank.

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Hi cjet I like your no expense spared alternator test bench have you any updates on the tractor?

That sickle sharpener comes in handy sometimes. Haven't done any more to it. I've been cleaning up the front part of the shop so we can get the cars back in and its been really cold(not compared to your cold) in the shop. I can heat it, but it takes a lot of wood and propane and I spend most of the time feeding the wood furnace. I'll be getting back to it soon.
I see it has IH's answer to the lousy fuel economy on the number series of tractors - put on a bigger fuel tank.
Got the rewire for the 12v system routed. Just need to test it out and then wrap it. I need to get a new battery ground cable and a water temp gauge. I think I will use my small testing fuel tank for the first test run and if all goes well I can start putting things together.

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I found a piece of that plastic tubing on an old wiring harness that looks like it will work for the wiring harness.

I pulled the carb and found some old fuel crud in the bowl so I stuck it in the sonic cleaner. I should have it back on the tractor tomorrow.

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