1991 terramite t5c mini excavator


New Member
recently changed some old hoses to new, changed the hydraulic fluid & filter. Back hoe & bucket both work fine BUT now the machine will not move forward or backward. What is the problem with it anyone give some advice please? Need it up & running asap. Especially after all the work to change the old hoses & now it wont move.....Ugh!!!!
Can you find and owners or service manual for it. I suspect that you have an air lock somewhere if it was working fine before being serviced. Are you sure all of your fluid levels are where they should be?
Prop the machine in the air (stabilizers and buckets down) and try to get it moving that way. The air should purge itself
Prop the machine in the air (stabilizers and buckets down) and try to get it moving that way. The air should purge itself
Excellent idea that I wouldn't have thought of. Can tell you've been around heavy machinery.
Page 7 of the manual I posted shows how the tractor should be set up to check fluid level. What fluid did you use? Manual says to use API SF/CD 15W40.
We are waiting to hear how you turned out with this problem. Make any progress?